Installed kluson revolution locking non collared today. Super easy. Even replaced the bushing. Removing the bushings was easy (the old trick of rock a screwdriver inside of it for 5 seconds per youtube) and then quick reaming for 2 seconds for the replacement bushings and it was good to go. I did not have to be concerned about cracking any poly finish since my guitar is satin. I advise to take caution with reaming if yours does have poly finish, but reaming is easier than using a clamp to force the bushings in. The included screws are too thin so I did use the stock. If I find my spare spray paint can of black paint I’ll do the screw heads real quick
Overall I enjoy them quite a bit more than the stock. Reminds me of the locking tuners that are on modern fenders that are rock solid and buttery smooth. I imagine this will work the same for both Zach Myers, Paul’s guitars, and the McCartys with vintage non locking tuners. Exact same footprints. The Klusons come in nickel, gold, chrome and black. If I can install them I know anybody can.