Your Pedal of Choice : Wah Pedals


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
FredVegas Virginia
Everybody has one and they are all great Which one do you claim?

Ive been running a Fulltone Clyde Delux for 3 years now with its changeable sweep patterns it covers all the ground I need from 70's Funk to a decent vocal recreation to tried and true Metallica type soloing.
I'm liking my new Slash Classic Cry Baby. Was using the Morley Lynch Dragon 2 for a while but the basic tone of the Slash is a little more to my liking, thicker sound that's great with buckers.
Clyde Deluxe for the past few years. Teese Picture Wah before that.
I've got just a regular Dunlop CryBaby. No signature or anything; just their standard model. I haven't used it in I don't know when. It's packed safely away.

Goldtop Lloyd
I'm using the Jerry Cantrell sig. I love the heel down tone more than any I've tried. I wish it had a hair more top end with the toe down though. I think I'm gonna mod my 535Q to be similar with the heel down.
Early 2000s Vox V848 "reissue" housing with the gunmetal gray bottom and chrome rocker...
But the VOX stops right there, bucause inside is a drop in kit of ALL electronics from Area 51 that slays the rest...
Converted it in 2006, it has been tried and true ever since... GREAT tone...
I'vebeen through quite a few and I switch between the Jerry Cantrell wah and the old purple Budda wah . Depending on which pedal board :vroam:
i wore out my cry baby. hated having to rock it forward to activate. using morley now, dont like tone so much, like how it activates. any suggestions? would buy a new one in a heartbeat if i knew what to buy.
i wore out my cry baby. hated having to rock it forward to activate. using morley now, dont like tone so much, like how it activates. any suggestions? would buy a new one in a heartbeat if i knew what to buy.

Get the Dunlop switchless wah - they'll also do a number of the other wahs as a switchless model through the custom shop.