Winger vs. Dream Theater: The Death Match Poll

DTR or Winger?

  • 1- DreamTheaterRules! He's the man, and always has been.

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • 2- WingerRules! He's nicer

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • 3- I don't care which, as long as he STHU

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • 4- I wish they'd both go away!

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • 5- I can't see this because I already blocked them both

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • 6- Come back as a guy who only says "that's beautiful" when someone posts NGD, and NOTHING else!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7-DTR is my favorite guitar player and person in the whole forum!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Or, tolerable. They do seem to annoy some people. However, in the spirit of Festivus, they do seem to allow some to participate in the airing of grievances.
Happiness' secret sauce is not having grievances. This is what I've taken from my studies of various philosophies.

Not that I would know from experience! But I'm working on it. ;)
Hey, only 45% of the people preferred me in either form, over me in neither form. While I realize the carnage is only for me, that's pretty brutal. :D

All I'm saying is if you're going to invoke the great institution that was DeathMatch you're going to have to provide enough violence to satisfy our bloodlust.

As for why Winger lost so badly, maybe you got the wrong Sophia on your avi.
All I'm saying is if you're going to invoke the great institution that was DeathMatch you're going to have to provide enough violence to satisfy our bloodlust.

As for why Winger lost so badly, maybe you got the wrong Sophia on your avi.

Well, death of a forum name doesn't necessarily imply that someone has to actually die, but I was prepared for this in case it took a turn for the worst. If it's blood you want, it's blood you shall receive!

And, that Sophia ain't so bad either.
Lászlóvus: The season of no grievances or regrets.
You betcha!
And aging gracefully :)

Cardio surgeon: "Laz, I was expecting someone much older looking. But you don't look a day over 104!"

Me: "I'm actually quite a bit younger than 104, doc."

Surgeon: "Then I hope you've done some serious estate planning."