Why satin necks by default on SE CE 24 (or bolt on necks in general)?


New Member
Aug 22, 2024

Recently I tried out the SE CE 24 and loved the satin feel neck. It got me wondering though, in general, why bolt on guitars like the SE CE 24 series tend to have satin necks. I've also noticed this with the Fenders that I tried the same day. I like the satin neck quite a bit, and it is one of those feel-things that I am taking into account in the choice for the SE CE 24 or the SE HB II Piezo as my next purchase.

I see how it would be easier to offer a satin neck on a bolt-on neck than on a set neck, as they can be finished separately before final assembly and setup. But why not also offer gloss necks then?

Also, having a set neck does not prevent having a satin finish, as I believe for example the SE Zach Myers has a satin, set neck. It probably is just more work, and hence more expensive.

Anyone got any insight in this?
Hm, the Holcomb SE, set-necked, got a satin neck, too.
First of all it's a decision by the manufacturer, wether to coat gloss or to sand satin.
Of course to coat and sand cost more.
Ha, didnt know the Holcomb is a satin too. I guess you see it more on the signature models.

For the set necks I get it. But for a bolt on, the differences in manufacturing cost seem to me to be a lot smaller. Thats why I am wondering why we dont see more gloss bolt on necka.
I’m 8 into maple necks. My 2005 SAS has a gloss neck. I really prefer all the other satin necks to the gloss one. In addition, it’s much more reasonable to make them all the same. The idea is to come in at the best price with the best product. You could very easily have a luthier reshoot the neck in gloss.
I ran into this short video on YouTube of applying a gloss cherry burst finish at PRS. Pretty interesting to see how it is applied. I recalled seeing other finished being applied by hand, but I guess that depends fully on the colors and if they need to be stained or can be sprayed.