Why Do You (Or Do You?) Want Your PRS Guitar To Sound Like Some Other Guitar? Poll

Why do you (or do you?) want your PRS guitar to sound like some other guitar?

  • Total voters
I don’t want any of my PRSi to sound “like” another guitar. I do want single coil sounds, P-90 sounds, humbucker sounds, and then mixed pickup sounds. I also want maple neck sounds, rosewood neck sounds, mahogany neck sounds, and korina sounds. Then there’s the body woods……..now you see why I need a heaping helping of PRSi.
Option 5 please -

“I Really Don’t Like Matt Damon About Matt Damon But PRS Addressed It”


OK, I am going to call voter fraud (or should I say, non-voter fraud)! One Alnus Rubra claims to show favor for option 5, but has not registered a vote for such choice (nor any choice for that matter). Therefore, his response is misleading and fraudulent! Here is a print screen of the voters for the various choices at the time of this post!!


If this non-voter were to correct his deception by registering his vote(s), I will be happy to modify this post and pretend it did not happen! Until that time, shame and ridicule shall rain upon this individual from the darkest corners of the Universe (well, my Universe anyway) for eternity (aka as long as I manage to stay alive)!
I don't.

One of the things I like the most about a PRS is that it is its own thing. I don't even want to swap pups out of the original guitar on a PRS. But, that is just me.

Same with me.
Nothing wrong with those pickups.
The only "mod" on any of my S2s has been replacing some of the crappy toggle and blade switches.
I will do the rest of them as soon as I stop procrastinating about it.
OK, I am going to call voter fraud (or should I say, non-voter fraud)! One Alnus Rubra claims to show favor for option 5, but has not registered a vote for such choice (nor any choice for that matter). Therefore, his response is misleading and fraudulent! Here is a print screen of the voters for the various choices at the time of this post!!


If this non-voter were to correct his deception by registering his vote(s), I will be happy to modify this post and pretend it did not happen! Until that time, shame and ridicule shall rain upon this individual from the darkest corners of the Universe (well, my Universe anyway) for eternity (aka as long as I manage to stay alive)!

I thought you were cool ;)

I’d now like to change my answer to “secret” option number 8.
I thought you were cool ;)
Don't know where the F you got that idea! Glad we have things straight now, I'm HOT ;~))

I’d now like to change my answer to “secret” option number 8.
As for secret option 8, if you change your imaginary vote to that, you could self destruct! The Flux Capacitors have not been fully tested and it's usage with humans is subject to possible death and serious injury!! You've been warned!!!
Don't know where the F you got that idea! Glad we have things straight now, I'm HOT ;~))

As for secret option 8, if you change your imaginary vote to that, you could self destruct! The Flux Capacitors have not been fully tested and it's usage with humans is subject to possible death and serious injury!! You've been warned!!!

Is it mating season? You seem to be a little hot under the collar.