Who number's the back of the headstock?

No, someone in finishing does that...

But Paul does wind all the strings... :laugh:

Yeah, I realize that was probably a dumb question. I figured he did it in the beginning, and maybe still did it to this day.
There are no dumb questions. Well, let me back track on that... Yes there are, but your's wasn't one of them...

Here's a related question, how do they choose what color ink to use? I feel like I've seen gold, black and purple.
Typically Gold on darker colored backs, Black on lighter colored backs. I don't think I've seen purple...

But sometimes, the cold picks up some of the back stain and changes color, a bit...

Some of the numbers on the early '90's models turned pink after reacting with the finish. Would'a looked better on a Bonni Pink guitar, but looked a bit weird on a dark headstock.
My serial number on my natural back is not jet, "sharpie" black, so I just assumed it was a different color. :). I guessed purple.