which beach?


Zombie Three, DFZ
Apr 26, 2012
GTA or wandering aimlessly
I like beach vacations. I'm currently enjoying the last day of a vacation on Manhattan Beach, which is pretty fine. The beach goes forever. There is a biking/running/walking trail the runs about 35 km (according to my Garmin). Great food, not much traffic (once you get there). I have never seen a bigger beach anywhere. And it is pretty well cared for. I feel this is mostly an adult friendly beach.

If you're a beach person, what do you like?

Here are some others that I like:
Myrtle Beach: First vacation I took was there in my mid 20s. The beach is pretty decent and there is lots of it. There is tons to do. Over the years it has become a bit of a tourist trap, and no matter how many roads they build it doesn't seem to be able to keep up with the increasing volume of traffic. A very family friendly place. And definitely a golf friendly place.

Key West: This is kind of like going to a tropical island without having to get on a plane, or go through customs. Very adult and a world of its own. The beach itself isn't as handy as some other places, but it is a good excuse to rent a scooter and terrorize the streets to and from the beach. The place is small enough, you can get from end to end on a beach cruiser if you prefer leg power.

Sydney Australia: I frequented Manly Beach when I was there, in part because that's where the hydrofoil from where I was staying stopped. Sydney is far and away the prettiest place I've visited. The harbour is fantastic, good night life, very civilized and friendly - and restaurants let you cook your own steak. If it wasn't such a long plane ride, I'd go more often.

Nag's Head: There are other fine towns in the outer banks, but this is where I've stayed. Family friendly, but not as many entertainment options as the more touristy beaches. The water is great, especially if you like a surf. In fact, it is probably better to go there planning enjoying the surf rather than lazing about in the ocean - it doesn't lend itself to that.

Tel Aviv: The water in the Mediterranean is amazing. This beach is big an very pretty. There is lots to do on the beach and room for everything. There are a couple of things that might not be to every body's taste: the armed patrols, starting with the security getting off the plane and the bartering in the marketplace. I just considered it part of the culture and went with it.
Anywhere on the Texas Gulf Coast for me. Especially Crystal Beach, or Galveston. Hopefully, it will be the last thing I see on this earth; I love it that much.

Huntington Beach California was my beach-of-choice as a kid. It was just a 12-15 mile bus ride down Beach Blvd

Sanderling beach near Duck North Carolina my the old standby now. It's fairly close to home so we go as a family once or twice a year.

St. George's Bay in Malta is the closest thing I've seen to a beach with a city attached. The sand is imported from Africa

Riposto Sicily is wonderful. Not really sandy though, the beach is made up of tiny stones

Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro. It's Rio de-freakin' Janeiro. Wear dark sunglasses, that's all I'm saying :)

Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos. Quiet and secluded. No cars, no paved roads. A great place to get off the grid

Key West. Zachory Taylor beach is special place, it's where I married my lovely bride
There a lot of beautiful beaches ... but I would choose Sanur, Bali, Indonesia ...

Key West... My wife's family is from there,since the 1950's.. The place is similar to the neighborhood of make believe. If one is a a cat rancher or aficianado, this IS the place for you. At Hemingways they still have like 60 six toed cats.. They have goats, roosters etc all free roaming..Cat feeding stations all up and down Duval. Il Siboney's is the place I recommend for great flan and Sangria..Rent a scooter ..you can drive it HARD for a week and never run out of gas. This is not a place for homophobes. If you befriend some of the local gay's they will get you great rates for bed and breakfast accomodations. Plus most of them are Manhatten transplants and can get one great tickets for a broadway show as many of them have Tony awards. I love Sloppy Joes....My wifes grandparents bougt a 2 br 1 bath house in 1956 for 8k.. After they passed away it sold for 1.1 million.. Dont miss the sunset shows on Mallory square or the top floor of the Bull and Whistle!
St. Tropez. The vast beaches are full of incredible natural beauty and scenery.....and then there's the lovely ocean, sand, and coastline too. ; - )
Anywhere on the Texas Gulf Coast for me. Especially Crystal Beach, or Galveston. Hopefully, it will be the last thing I see on this earth; I love it that much.


LLoyd...I worked out of Galveston for several years as a mate on the Texas A&M research Vessel Gyre.. I miss the" Poopdeck" and "Big Daddy's...and of course........Whisssspersss.. HA!
I went to FL earlier this year, from Deerfield Beach all the way down to Key West.

Not very exotic, I know, but Key West was really awesome.

Here I am, with a goofy face, and my new "PRS Beach Duffel Bag" !!

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LLoyd...I worked out of Galveston for several years as a mate on the Texas A&M research Vessel Gyre.. I miss the" Poopdeck" and "Big Daddy's...and of course........Whisssspersss.. HA!

That's so cool. Galveston was hit hard (again) several years ago in the hurricane. It took out The Balinese, closed down The Strand for awhile, all of the usual terrible things. But the town just keeps coming back. From the first time I rode on the ferry (back when I was a little kid; long story), I've loved that area. The last time I was there was in 2007, which is too long ago. They were building a bridge system to do away with the ferry service, and it may be completed now for all I know.

I imagine you have an interesting life. I'm not trying to pry, but are you an actual captain? Own your own boat/vessel or fleet? Charters?

I never feel better, more at peace, more myself, than when I'm close to the water. So naturally I live in the middle of the ugliest, flattest part of Texas, surrounded by pastures and cattle feedlots!

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Fort Meyers Beach, Fl. I'll be there in a few weeks. Looking very much forward to it. I'd love to take my Taylor with me but I'm thinking the less expensive Washburn is taking the trip.