Where is the PRS nylon, and who's calling Paco?


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
I mean come on! You don't even need to put truss rods in these!

I have decided that I will be going to Experience next year and I feel that the only person who could grant my wish of a lifetime is Paul.
If PRS decided to make a nylon string guitar for Paco de Lucia, I could finally see Al, John, and Paco in an intimate setting and make new friends, while buying a new guitar at the same time.


Al has been down forever, John just committed, and if you include Carlos that's three guys that have access to Paco's phone number, so who's gonna make the guitar?

If PRS makes a nylon, I will buy a long-distance card and try to track Paco down and bring him in, I'm willing to put the work in to make my dreams come true but just need a little help in the form of a guitar to present.
We all know a classical-ish guitar is just a natural progression for the PRS acoustic line, why not make it happen with the man with the most flair?

I really can't think of another living human being who can entertain me with solo guitar, nothing but him, no singing, for seven minutes straight.
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Be sure to change your underwear after watching John tuning his guitar mid-guitar solo at about 4:53, and just being completely ice cold-cool about it.

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Imagine what an incredible gift to the guitar world it would be to see these guys together, and while only half joking; I really can't think of any other combination of events that would allow a union like this ever again.

Paul Reed Smith does not just have to make guitars, they can make guitars that make dreams come true.
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I inquired about the private stock team building one for me a couple months ago, and the said YES they would do it. However, I decided to go with an Angelus because the price was so right for another dream gtr. If we don't see them in production within the next couple years, I would be surprised by the disappointment. Sometime in the future, I do still desire to have the honor of being graced by the ownership of one. I would also expect to see 12 strings also, but that is just a hopeful hunch.
I'd love to see a signature nylon for Sergio Vallin - who is the lead guitarist for the band Mana. He's been a PRS player for years and is seriously a great classical talent as well using a lot of nylon in the band.

They as a band are HUGE, and as people fantastic. So much so that when they play Maryland Paul goes up on stage with them and jams!
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I'd love to see a signature nylon for Sergio Vallin - who is the lead guitarist for the band Mana. He's been a PRS player for years and is seriously a great classical talent as well using a lot of nylon in the band.

They as a band are HUGE, and as people fantastic. So much so that when they play Maryland Paul goes up on stage with them and jams!

I agree, Sergio is one of the most beautiful guitar players ever and he's a damn fine player too. :) In all seriousness, Sergio is good people. In the Spanish speaking music wrld, Mana is huge.
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I agree, Sergio is one of the most beautiful guitar players ever and he's a damn fine player too. :) In all seriousness, Sergio is good people. In the Spanish speaking music wrld, Mana is huge.

Everytime they tour the US I am there. One of my favorite bands for sure and while I may only understand 50% of what I'm saying, I can sing along to any of their songs! hahaha
I agree, Sergio is one of the most beautiful guitar players ever and he's a damn fine player too. :) In all seriousness, Sergio is good people. In the Spanish speaking music wrld, Mana is huge.

I am also a Manâ fan.

PRS could make one like this...
Here is one with Santana
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I agree, Sergio is one of the most beautiful guitar players ever and he's a damn fine player too. :) In all seriousness, Sergio is good people. In the Spanish speaking music wrld, is huge.

Thank you for such kind words Shawn, I have no idea how far my influence has reached, and thank you for the compliment I find you very attractive as well.
This would look great next to a certain somebody's autograph, but where to put it?....... a headstock perhaps?
I just learned his name today! That sucks. To learn of someone (and discover their music) on the they pass away... that sucks.