What's your favorite PRS pickup(s)?


Dec 3, 2012
Just curious of opinions for anyone else who uses PRS pickups, be it on a PRS or swapped into another guitar.

Personally, I've liked using the HFS as my main bridge pickup recording and onstage for years, but I've recently taken a liking to the SC250 as well and that's become my new favorite live.
For the neck- I think the Dragon has recently become my favorite, with the #7 and the Vintage Bass not too far behind.
I love the original T/B pickups in my '86 CU24.
I love em so much, I bought a set of reissues for my Tremonti SE Custom.
Awesome pickups.

I also have a Deep Dish II in my original '03 Tremonti SE.
Another AWESOME pickup.
Too bad they're no longer made. :(
Definitely the 53/10's. Gorgeous chime, warmth, and balance. An ideal medium output PAF-ish vibe, and from what I've experienced so far they sound as stellar in solid bodies as they do in HB's.

That said, there are specific PRSi I'd never mess with. I adore the HFS/VB in my '06 Cu24, the Archtops in my Archtop, the Starla's in my Starla, and the Santana's in my Santana. But if I were buying another new PRS, 53/10's would be my choice.
Right now, my favorite Bridge pickup is the 250 Treble. For Neck pickups, I have been going back an forth between the #7 Bass and the 250 Bass (different guitars). My #7 has Squabins and the 250 is the old style "regular" bobbins... Currently I prefer the 250 Bass but not enough to pull the #7's out... yet.
My favorites used to be the Tremonti's, because the bridge is just so hot. But since getting a DGT a few months ago, I've fell in love with them. The tradeoff being, the bridge isn't as hot, but overall I can cover more tonal ground.
59/09s for the most part, especially in short scale guitars. I'm also digging the 408s in my Brent Mason thus far.
I think I like 5909s the best but when I play dragon2s I start to think they may be my favorite. Cant decide for sure. I love the feel of my mccarty would only consider swapping mccartys for 5708s. Dont want 5708s bad enough to pay 300-400 dollars for a set. Been thinking real hard about selling my LP and getting a prs with 5708s. What ever I end up getting it will have to be used as we have a ton of money going into one of our rental houses. Renters trashed our house then left the state, Im so pissed I cant see straight. We just got done filling a 9 yard dumpster for the 2nd time with all the crap they left in the house. Going to have to fill it one more time to get ride of it all. DidI mention Im so pissed I cant see straight?
From all of the videos and reviews I've ever read, i've really started to like the way the Starlas sound. I just bought a 2012 SE CU22 Semi hollow and depending on if I can, I might experiment with those for a bit.
I've tried quite a few now and can't go past the dragon 1 bass.. I'm at my happiest on a guitar when I dial in to that wonderful creature

I'd like to have been able to say P90's but the Duncans that PRS uses are wound too hot for my tastes, I much prefer Lollars.