What's up with "Groups", why am I not part of a group?

The Murder of Crows Group is currently open. You guys should be able to join without an invitation - though I tossed a few out to get the ball rolling.

I should be clear, up front... this is an experiment. Please provide your thoughts on the opening question (inside the M.C. area).

BTW, one member already reporting an inability to respond inside the group area. I have sent an email to James requesting a change that should allow you to do so. Stand-bye...
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All members "should" be able to go in and join the M of C group. If someone would be willing to test this theory and get back to me I'd appreciate it.
Selected Join, says it's moderated and new members must be approved. I'm not convinced I'm approvable... certifiable, but that's a whole 'nuther issue.
Selected Join, says it's moderated and new members must be approved. I'm not convinced I'm approvable... certifiable, but that's a whole 'nuther issue.

So now we know that moderated groups require the mod to approve requests to Join. BTW... all who request access will be granted access. I approved your request and will see if there is a way to auto-approve.
Successfully joined, but I'm not seeing any way of replying or posting. Seems like it was "auto-approved" instantly since it looks like you're not online Hans.
It tiptoed through gardens of sinner and heathen
No whisper or warning nor haunting rescended
Though crows and their gatherings need not a quorum
This murder was only attempted

I could see how it might be useful for planning someone a surprise party, but other than that.....

Hahaha this is wonderful.