What to do, what to do?


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
Okay, so my son plays bass.

He helped me with setting up the music room and couldn't help but notice I have several guitars while he only had 1 (has since gotten a 2nd). This was pointed out to me several times. Mom got in on it too.

Well, next thing I know he's asking if PRS makes basses. I dodge the question. He then does some research and sees some pictures of them. He gets excited and drops the big hint that he'd REAAAAAAAAAALY love to have a PRS bass. Mom thinks it's "cute" that the wall could hold both bass & regular PRS guitars...

Now, WTF?
One of the guys I hire to do bass sessions on my ad tracks has toured with Prince.

He has two basses, and neither is a fancy one. Just sayin'.

My personal feeling is that it is important to "earn" your first higher-end guitar. Almost twenty years later I still love and adore the first PRS I saved up the scratch for, it wasn't easy as a young dude. "You gotta learn to earn".
I like Jamie's answer...

With that said, the original PRS Curly Bass has been one of my favorite all time basses (when the quirky electronics work!). If I hadnt been spoiled by 2Tek tone, I'd still have my '88 PRS bass!

Sooo... my suggestion is you buy one, and let him USE it from time to time. Maybe you can gift it to him at a later date when you dont have any ideas on what to get him for a birthday or something. :D

Private Stock is the only way to go here!!
The most "expensive" guitar I ever bought was when I was 16 years old. I ordered a new Fender Jazzmaster in 1962 for $329. I think I was making about $1.75 an hour at the time and worked most of a summer to come up with the money. I loved that guitar and it was my only guitar for about 12 years.

I'm with Jamie ... He can buy a PRS any time he wants to ...
Sorry to be negative, but PRS basses just don't cut the mustard. Everyone knows that I'm prejudiced, but the PRS basses have no bottom end and sound thin.
I've been saying it for years...

Shawn...if you're reading this...forward onto your boss ;)

PRS should consider an SE Bass!
sergiodeblanc said:
My personal feeling is that it is important to "earn" your first higher-end guitar. Almost twenty years later I still love and adore the first PRS I saved up the scratch for, it wasn't easy as a young dude. "You gotta learn to earn".

SinglecutGuy said:
I've been saying it for years...

Shawn...if you're reading this...forward onto your boss ;)

PRS should consider an SE Bass with a 2Tek bridge!
Singlecut Guy, fixed it for ya ;) :D
Well depending how old he he can save up allowance and / or work and you can help him out a bit . . . or maybe bday / christmas it . . .

Totally agree with working up to master a guitar / bass . . .

Zilmo said:
Sorry to be negative, but PRS basses just don't cut the mustard. Everyone knows that I'm prejudiced, but the PRS basses have no bottom end and sound thin.

Technically one can get away with just two basses . . . Fender Precision Bass and Jazz bass . . . boutique basses cover both bases :D and then have their unique tones on the side . . .

Its funny I play bass better and only have a p bass but I have a few guitars . . .

But then there's fretless . . . which IME Fender doesn't do well but there are others that make a bomb dropping fretless. and acoustic guitar bass . . . which IMO you have to spend $$$$ to get one that can hang with acoustic steels w/out needing electronics . . . or get one that has awesome electronics . . .
pontaeri said:
Well depending how old he he can save up allowance and / or work and you can help him out a bit . . . or maybe bday / christmas it . . .

Totally agree with working up to master a guitar / bass . . .

Zilmo said:
Sorry to be negative, but PRS basses just don't cut the mustard. Everyone knows that I'm prejudiced, but the PRS basses have no bottom end and sound thin.

Technically one can get away with just two basses . . . Fender Precision Bass and Jazz bass . . . boutique basses cover both bases :D and then have their unique tones on the side . . .

Its funny I play bass better and only have a p bass but I have a few guitars . . .

But then there's fretless . . . which IME Fender doesn't do well but there are others that make a bomb dropping fretless. and acoustic guitar bass . . . which IMO you have to spend $$$$ to get one that can hang with acoustic steels w/out needing electronics . . . or get one that has awesome electronics . . .
Similar thing here - I have LOADS of nice guitars and a few nice basses. My main stage bass is a 2Tek'd '57 Squier - the 2Tek totally transformed it from a clanky, toppy, nasty sounding bass into a full-throated monster.