What To Do? Downsizing/Incoming


Tone Matters. Use It Well.
Jan 26, 2019
NW Connecticut, USA
Yes, am downsizing my Taylor 714ce and making way for an incoming alternate acoustic.

Am doing so out of need...in the next few months my bills will be adding up so that it would be necessary to dip into my savings (not a desirable option) or ask family for some financial help. (Personally, asking family for money is not a feasible option, while selling my Taylor is)

But to whet your appetite for knowledge, the incoming acoustic will be a PRS. The remaining funds from my sale will be used to finance car taxes, my yearly renter's insurance premium, and if any remains, for financing a small outdoor resin shed that will house my seasonal tires and garden accessories.

Have listened to the PRS A40E, A50E and the A60E. Not sure which one will be the new addition, but am considering my options to this.

Any advice regards what incoming guitar would be most appropriate and desirable would be welcome. Thanks for reading...

Another alternative is find a used beater "$50" acoustic and get the frets leveled and a pro setup and you'll have a solid player.
Then you'll have more cash to cover those bills. No, it won't have the bling, but get yourself on firm finances and you can splurge later.
Yamaha, Washburn, Fender, Epiphone are pretty common and sold used cheap. Don't stress about laminated or solid or wood species.
I'm sure Paul would rather you not buy one guitar today so you can buy two guitars in a year or two.

Another alternative is find a used beater "$50" acoustic and get the frets leveled and a pro setup and you'll have a solid player. Then you'll have more cash to cover those bills. No, it won't have the bling, but get yourself on firm finances and you can splurge later. Yamaha, Washburn, Fender, Epiphone are pretty common and sold used cheap. Don't stress about laminated or solid or wood species. I'm sure Paul would rather you not buy one guitar today so you can buy two guitars in a year or two.

Thx, that was considered. Am considering viable options to a PRS, and am also looking at Yamaha and Epiphone. Am sure neither of these has the quality put into the PRS luxury details, and perhaps only acceptable & comparable tone quality. Will be sure to try as many lower-end acoustics before considering a PRS, but would sure like to own an SE Angelus...

Don't like to admit this, but it may be necessary to work with the Yamaha AC3R ARE Series. The AC5R might be nice, but costs more than a high-end PRS SE Angelus. The AC3R has Indian Rosewood, and the tone is exceptional, especially with their proprietary piezo system.

Would consider the PRS A50E, or A60E, but that is more expensive. Methinks my conscience tells me to consider less "beautiful inlay or appointments" and be more focused on the tone and balance. The AC3R it may need to be...and to give my wallet a break (bowl of cereal, fruit, milk, etc...) while not being broke...
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Well, someone heard my 'request' and offered a Yamaha A3R V/N online at a price that was too good to pass up. (PayPal, away!)

Therefore, to finance the payment, my Taylor's price was also lowered accordingly, so someone can receive an awesome deal. Am hoping the Taylor will now sell, and life will be enjoyable. Was not looking to make more money on the Taylor than the market will bear. Just hope the price is now more within reach of more folks who desire an older model Taylor 714ce.
T'was not to be, the music shop stock was in error and my A3R had already flown the coop. No worries, within 20 minutes another response came back with the guitar my search originally included, for a decent (plus tax...argh) price. Hopped on that and am now awaiting confirmation from FL of a Yamaha AC3R Concert w/ OHB. (Original hard bag)
Happy that the Taylor sold. Got the guitar packaged up and off to FedEx just 10 minutes before they closed for the evening. Phew. I need a cuppa brew.