What PRS Pickups are closest to SD 59's


New Member
Oct 14, 2014
So my PRS has 85/15's in it, but I recently bought a Fender FMT that has a set of SD 59's in the neck and a Pearly Gates in the bridge. That 59 gives me my most favorite tone in the world! What PRS pup is closest to that? I thought of even having SD rewind the neck pup to '59 specs, as I want to keep the squabbin look... but I don't want to be without my PRS for the couple of months to do that...
I don't have a direct answer to your question, but would suggest swapping the 59 into the PRS to make sure you like that pickup in that guitar and go from there. I have a few pickups that sound great in one guitar or another and not so good in others.
Custom 24? If so go with 5909 and thank me later. Runner up 5708. Killer combo 5708 neck and 5909 in the bridge. Difficult to find 5708 in squabbins, used market only. 5909 are squabbin. If mix em then you have the Tremonti look of covered for the neck and squabbin for the bridge. I played a Cu24 with that look today and liked it a lot.
SD59's are one of my favorite pickup sets. IF not for the squabbin requirement I'd join in saying just put in the 59's and leave them there if they still have that sound in your head. If you really have to have squabbins, I'd say 59/09's. They are a little stronger IMO, meaning they'll push the amp a little harder.