What pickups?


New Member
Jul 5, 2013
Hello everyone!
I am new to the forum as I just acquired my beautiful 2006 custom 22 se
so my question is about swapping pickups. I play metalica GNR stuff like that,and I was wondering what pickups go good with this guitar for those styles? Not sure about going to actives on this axe.

anybody who has changed them out,please tell me me what pickups and how you like them

Hello everyone!
I am new to the forum as I just acquired my beautiful 2006 custom 22 se
so my question is about swapping pickups. I play metalica GNR stuff like that,and I was wondering what pickups go good with this guitar for those styles? Not sure about going to actives on this axe.
anybody who has changed them out,please let me your experience.

First of all welcome to the forum! I hope you hang around with us, its a cool place. Secondly, congrats on scoring a PRS! I'm sure you'll love it. The SE guitars are great guitars.

Now - my personal opinion? Go big! PRS just released a metal pickup. I think these would be PERFECT for your style and really bring your guitar to a new level of awesome.

Here is a thread discussing the pickups: http://prsguitars.com/forum/showthread.php?5238-m-pickups-are-here-m-pickups-are-here

And here are a few videos of some of the PRS guys testing them out :

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Hey there,
I guess the metal pickups would be a good choice since PRS pickups in a PRS guitar can't be that wrong. If you wanna have some more suggestions, have a look at those PUs:

Seymour Duncan (probably SH-6 or Slash Signature)
DiMarzio Pickups
Passive EMG Pickups

I think passive PUs are better since getting active Pickups in a guitar which is usually equipped with passive PUs might be a little tricky. Furthermore, there are passive EMG and DiMarzio PUs sounding (nearly) like the active ones. I would go for PRS or some Seymour Duncans because I prefer the passive PU sound since active ones are too sterile in my opinion. EMGs and DiMarzios are too much metal for me, Duncans are more classic IMHO. Thats my opinion and so it must not be yours, of course. What do you play more? Metal or Rock? If Metal, go for DiMarzio or EMG, if it's Rock, go for PRS oder Seymour Duncan.

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Hello everyone!
I am new to the forum as I just acquired my beautiful 2006 custom 22 se
so my question is about swapping pickups. I play metalica GNR stuff like that,and I was wondering what pickups go good with this guitar for those styles? Not sure about going to actives on this axe.

anybody who has changed them out,please tell me me what pickups and how you like them



Might I suggest Miracle Man, Aftermath or Warpigs. There are sound clips for each. Best aftermarket option IMHO.
Personally, I think Metallica and Slash are pretty far apart tonewise. I'd tend to think of Metallica as ceramic humbuckers and EMGs, while Slash uses Duncan Alnico Pros...totally different animals in my opinion.