What other hobbies do you have?




I see a Garrand... I shot highpower for years...

Is that a Ruger Red Label?? - I love skeet and sporting clays..

But what I shoot most is IPSC..

^^^^ !!

I have my license (general aviation land) but haven't been at the controls for years. I miss it...

Flying is a time/money paradox.
I love the tracer rounds!


Nice Beretta!

For a short time, Horandy had an 'illuminated' round called Vector Shot. It was billed as a 'cool tracer' as it did not burn as hot as regular tracers. That pic is a frame from a vid clip I did using them. That one is a .40 S&W. Distance to target is about 30 yards. The round is about 3/4 way to the target which is the high piece of steel painted black on the right. Nailed it... :)
I always toyed with every major form of art - music, drawing/painting and literature...

I wrote a book a few years ago and published it myself (2000 verses long poem, took me 4 years to write) and have some drawings and photomanipulations on DeviantArt: http://albrecht-smuten.deviantart.com/
Now I focus mainly on music and occasionally I do some posters and CD cover artwork...

...and I drink and smoke a lot, which makes me happy. =D
Cycling is my other passion. I do it year round whether it's below freezing or in triple digit temps.

props! I'm into road and mountain biking, but drop off once it requires gloves and beanies. I've been stocking up on thermal gear on the off season to try to change it. Ramping back up in the spring is more painful every year than it need be.

Other hobbies: I dabble in lower-end, bottom-feeder 2-channel hi fi. Amazing what you can get for cheap these days.
Mountain biking, road cycling, skiing. Kids take up most of my time these days. I try to get on the single track at least once a week. The kids and I have music hour throughout the week where I play acoustic and the kids dance and sing. Life is good.
I like to make wooden toys from time to time.

Here is a grasshopper I made for my boy last year

and a ladybug I made for a friends baby girl about a year ago

and some cars I made a few years back
Um...what if guitar's part of what I do for a living? ;)

I have no hobbies!

Gosh, I need one.
I'm not ready for grandkids. That would mean my daughters would have to... LA LA LA!!! I can't hear you!!! LA LA LA!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Ya know, My Daughter married an ex Penn State football player who was checking in at about 275 when they got hitched. I sat the Wifey down & told her: "That's my little Girl & I'm having some unsettling thoughts about the big lug....................... well, you know"