What Is Your Third Favorite PRS?

Probably a tie between Paul’s former personal Paul’s Guitar and this SC594. All my guitars are keepers for life, be it one, three, or XX.
Hmm...really depends on my mood as I tend to rotate among the stable. Less so since I’ve gone off the wall :(

Lately this is number 3 because I’ve been favoring shorter scale lengths and PV neck carves. Takes me a bit to adjust to the Pattern Regular neck carve. But the TONE!!!! :D


A very Kingly number 3!
I only have two PRSi at the moment;)...and I know this is crazy talk ...those two kinda cover "all of my desired noises" for now anyway. So I'm good...I am a responsible adult.

Okay, how did that sound? Was that convincing at all??? I'm just running my lines on you guys until my next NGD, so your brutal honesty is encouraged. Seriously...it could be the difference between life and being buried in my back yard.o_O

So when are you buying your stripped?!;)

Probably a tie between Paul’s former personal Paul’s Guitar and this SC594. All my guitars are keepers for life, be it one, three, or XX.

Yeah that SH would be a no.3 for me too!:p

Shawn is probably the only person on this forum classy enough to go with “seen more pups than” over “seen more pickups than” to set up this punchline.

Seen more pickups than a bar on Saturday night. Seen more pickups than a rodeo parking lot. Seen more pickups than a game of jacks.

The rodeo reference being my favorite!
Hmmm. All the rest besides #1 & 2? I mean, I kinda feel like I don’t have any that are less than 3rd place. It could really depend on the day and my mood. Sometimes it’s my black McStandard. Sometimes my NF3. Sometimes my first PRS. It’s a new world we live in. Everyone gets a trophy!;) :D