What is the nut material on a Custom 24?


New Member
Aug 14, 2019
The PRS web site just says PRS. Is is graphite, or some type of bone? Not sure if the Core and S2 use the same nut. A friend purchased the S2 and he found it did not stay in tune well. He ordered a after market PRS block and changed the nut and tuning pegs and it stays in tune better. Hmmm
The nut can frequently be simply adjusted by a luthier. Replacement isn’t always necessary. The nut is a proprietary material. All my PRSi stay in tune after a luthier visit.
It's their proprietary nut design. Some type of "unobtainium" infused with brass.
They stay in tune better than any other nut material, including bone(even if cut perfect). I’m fairly certain there’s less friction on unobtainium. If I worked in the quality lab here, I’d certainly run the test.