What is the ebay seller smokin?

His location is listed as Tyler Texas. It's clammy and miserable there this time of year, so maybe the problem is the humidity.

$1300 BIN. Just imagine what kind of discount he's giving because it's missing "piece" to connect whammy bar.... if he could find that: $1500-1700 easy.
Your'e just down on it because it's blue!

I would however like to be in the interesting place where his head must be.

I guess to each his own.. I would way rather be kickin' it in France than up this dudes.... errr ummm.. @ss? :biggrin:
Am I missing something? If this is really a PRS C24 25th anniversary, it's going for over $3k new?
Am I missing something? If this is really a PRS C24 25th anniversary, it's going for over $3k new?

Don't worry, you are among like minded friends! It's an SE and the seller just seems to have lost (or never had) any sense of perspective/reason/judgement*

*delete as applicable!
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Probably some strong reasons why he has 0% positive feedback after 3 transactions. None recent so we can't see what it was all about.

I would like to see him plug in his power cord and hit some power chords....