What is the ebay seller smokin?

My best guess is bath salts... So it would be wise to avoid contact with him.:five:
His location is listed as Tyler Texas. It's clammy and miserable there this time of year, so maybe the problem is the humidity.

There was another 25th anniversary model on there that ended at $450 with bids.
$1300 BIN. Just imagine what kind of discount he's giving because it's missing "piece" to connect whammy bar.... if he could find that: $1500-1700 easy.
Your'e just down on it because it's blue!

I would however like to be in the interesting place where his head must be.

I guess to each his own.. I would way rather be kickin' it in France than up this dudes.... errr ummm.. @ss? :biggrin:
Am I missing something? If this is really a PRS C24 25th anniversary, it's going for over $3k new?
Am I missing something? If this is really a PRS C24 25th anniversary, it's going for over $3k new?

Don't worry, you are among like minded friends! It's an SE and the seller just seems to have lost (or never had) any sense of perspective/reason/judgement*

*delete as applicable!
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Probably some strong reasons why he has 0% positive feedback after 3 transactions. None recent so we can't see what it was all about.

I would like to see him plug in his power cord and hit some power chords....