Goatee Practitioner
It's spelled Bryan, Dane. :rofl::rofl:
I'm batting a thousand!!!!!! HAHAHAHA

It's spelled Bryan, Dane. :rofl::rofl:
Beat me to it, Doc!It's spelled Bryan, Dane. :rofl::rofl:
Just bustin' your chops a little, Dane. :biggrin: Looking forward to seeing you again.I'm batting a thousand!!!!!! HAHAHAHAGeesh - hurry up 2013...
posters on forums that don't have any input on the OP's post, but offer unsolicited advice on the way the OP stated something (grammer, spelling, etc.) as if their "advice" is wanted or warranted.
Thus does the vast gulf between those who know the incomparable exhilaration of a spelling bee win, and those who have suffered only the agony of defeat, ever widen...
Constant video transitions. If I want to watch concert footage I want to see people play for more than 2 seconds at a time. No wonder kids have A.D.D. problems. Maybe i'm just getting too old. Might want the kids off my lawn next.