Flamin' Hot Chee-tos. They were once only available for a short time in MD. I was hooked, and I traveled for work. I would be in Chicago or LA buying 20-30 99 cent bags and stuffing them in my suitcase or FEDEXing them home.

Now they're finally available here, but they are hell on my blood sugar and my weight. I've since learned some moderation.
Flamin' Hot Chee-tos. They were once only available for a short time in MD. I was hooked, and I traveled for work. I would be in Chicago or LA buying 20-30 99 cent bags and stuffing them in my suitcase or FEDEXing them home.

Now they're finally available here, but they are hell on my blood sugar and my weight. I've since learned some moderation.

Oh dude, Jalapeño Cheetos are my fav.

Jesse, they have a vendor bring them in. You can get them for lunch right on the grounds. AWESOME!

Oh yeah? Sweet. I'm going to slam one.
BBQ sauce is what I have for blood. Brisket, your king has arrived. Bow down and rejoice. :wave:

Crunchy Cheetos (puffed are for sissies), salted cashew pieces and halves (the greasier, the better), chased by Ferrero Rocher or Lindt Lindor balls. Shot gunned with a Stella on tap. Then a fresh, hot chocolate chip cookie. Or make it two and slam a block of vanilla ice cream between them. Damn, I'm hungry now. I need that big ribeye on Wednesday now. :cheers:
BBQ sauce is what I have for blood. Brisket, your king has arrived. Bow down and rejoice. :wave:

Crunchy Cheetos (puffed are for sissies), salted cashew pieces and halves (the greasier, the better), chased by Ferrero Rocher or Lindt Lindor balls. Shot gunned with a Stella on tap. Then a fresh, hot chocolate chip cookie. Or make it two and slam a block of vanilla ice cream between them. Damn, I'm hungry now. I need that big ribeye on Wednesday now. :cheers:

Wha???? No saganaki?
Before diabetes, I used to be a major abuser of Fritos and beandip, Whoppers, and Caramel Cremes. After diabetes, sugar free chocolates. After IBS, peanut butter. When you're a stress eater, you can always find a food for your jones.
I'm with Lloyd. CocaCola is my jones... I was drinking the caffeine free stuff for a long time, so it's not the caffeine. I don't do coffee or tea except very rarely.

The US bottlers switched to High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) quite a while ago, but the studies on HFCS have not been good. The Corn Lobby had ads that say your body cannot tell the difference between regular sugar and HFCS. It's a lie.

The studies clearly show that we metabolize HFCS differently and that it is more easily converted to belly fat. Add to that the fact that it does not work the same way in the satiety centers of your brain. That means you drink more than you would it it were sugar, thus componding the problem.

Then I found CocaCola bottled in Mexico with real sugar. I switched. I drink far less each day than I did with the HFCS variety. The down-side is it has caffeine. My other option is Sierra Mist - real sugar and no caffeine.

Bill (sipping a mexicoke as I type)
Jesse, they have a vendor bring them in. You can get them for lunch right on the grounds. AWESOME!

You just made me realize it's been WAY too long since I've had a good BBQ sandwich. There's a place here called Hap's, I used to eat there sometimes when I worked at the airport for FedEx. They operated out of a trailer in a mechanic's parking lot near the airport. Now they have a more proper restaurant, but the food is just as good.

I'm with Lloyd. CocaCola is my jones... I was drinking the caffeine free stuff for a long time, so it's not the caffeine. I don't do coffee or tea except very rarely.

The US bottlers switched to High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) quite a while ago, but the studies on HFCS have not been good. The Corn Lobby had ads that say your body cannot tell the difference between regular sugar and HFCS. It's a lie.

The studies clearly show that we metabolize HFCS differently and that it is more easily converted to belly fat. Add to that the fact that it does not work the same way in the satiety centers of your brain. That means you drink more than you would it it were sugar, thus componding the problem.

Then I found CocaCola bottled in Mexico with real sugar. I switched. I drink far less each day than I did with the HFCS variety. The down-side is it has caffeine. My other option is Sierra Mist - real sugar and no caffeine.

Bill (sipping a mexicoke as I type)
Right on, man. There's so much misinformation out there, it's good to see someone has the facts. Fructose requires zero digestion to enter the bloodstream whereas sucrose is a compound that requires effort by your body to break down before it can be absorbed.

Trader Joe's has become my main grocery store, and when I go anyplace else, I'm always shocked at how hard it is to find food that isn't loaded with various chemicals and shelf stabilizers. Trader Joe's is able to stock many of the same items, only with their own store brand, without all the chemicals. True, a loaf of bread expires in 5 days instead of 3 weeks, so we put it in the freezer. Corn tortillas expire in 2-3 days, instead of 2 months, but they only have 3 ingredients instead of 16, 13 of which being hard to pronounce. You plan out your meals accordingly.
Good Gawd...where to begin...Double Stuffed Oreos...sweet chili Doritoes... ( in the purple bag) ...Ice Cream, even scoop off the lid of the little Ben and Jerry tubs...Frosted Brown sugar cinnamon Pop tarts...oh, and salad. ( in case my wife reads this)
I have two things that I CAN NOT put down. #1-Bacon #2-Beef jerky from our local meat shop. Yummers!
I have two things that I CAN NOT put down. #1-Bacon #2-Beef jerky from our local meat shop. Yummers!

+1. My dad and I make venison jerky whenever we get a deer during hunting season, and it's tough not to eat piles of it in one sitting. Also, I got some great fresh apples at the farmers market yesterday, and I've had 3 since I got home today. Nothing like orchard fresh apples in the fall, especially living in Boston, good produce is hard to come by!
Pizza, Mac and Cheese, Hot Dogs (at a roast/over a fire), Cheeseburgers, etc. All that healthy stuff! :D
no matter what kind of diet I have to do, if I can have a pizza, Ben & Jerry or Haagen Dasz and sushi I am doomed. I can go easy with them, but I need my fix of it from time to time.
OMFG. I got some of these for Christmas, I brought the whole thing into the office. It's hell, I can't believe what a blunder I have made. They just will not stop getting in my belly.