
Cousin Eddie's cousin
Apr 26, 2012
18 miles from Markie and Nana.
I got home from rehearsal at 11:30 last night, and before turning in I made the mistake of going into the kitchen. There before my ravenous gaze was a large bag of Cheetos. After devouring 1/2 of the bag, I made myself put them away. The two foods I can't stop eating are Cheetos and popcorn.

It has nothing to do with hunger, I just can't put that junk down. :evil::bawling:


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Popcorn. And if it's caramel corn, I can eat enough to go into a coma.
Plain Lays Stax chips! If I open a can, it's not over until I hit bottom... I am not this way about any other chip or snack food. I think they put something on those things other than salt...
Combos cheese and pretzel snacks.... eating too much will give me nightmares and a bellyache.
It's not a food, but my thing is Coke (the stuff in the red and white cans and bottles). If I'm awake and can afford it, I probably have a Coke going somewhere closeby. Iced tea is a good backup. So maybe it's more about the caffeine than anything else. Never drank coffee.

Goldtop Lloyd
I got home from rehearsal at 11:30 last night, and before turning in I made the mistake of going into the kitchen. There before my ravenous gaze was a large bag of Cheetos. After devouring 1/2 of the bag, I made myself put them away. The two foods I can't stop eating are Cheetos and popcorn.

It has nothing to do with hunger, I just can't put that junk down. :evil::bawling:


I've just gone off all my food!!!

Jaffa Cakes! Mmmmm! Though perhaps not as obsessed as this guy!

Moose munch, praline pecans, most concoctions of frozen sugar and fat, meatloaf and mashed potatoes, potatoe salad. There is none of that in the house. Did I mention pie yet?
Type 1 diabetic so all the good stuff is a no no.

Chips, love any chip. Ok maybe not the spicy kind but mostly all chips. Pepperettes are another favourite, expensive but soon yummy. Only 1 gram of carbs in each so 6 is ok lol
Swedish fish, full size only (not the mini's), red only. Once the bag's open they're as good as gone.