What do you do when .........


Zombie five, DFZ
Apr 26, 2012
Too close to the casinos in CT.........
What do you all do when your wife gets into a snit with your side of the family at a social gathering and you want to defend her.......but you feel she is wrong, even when the argument is petty and small.........how do you guys keep the peace and not let things escalate into WW3? It is worse when the car ride home 'discussions' dig up old crap that had nothing to do with the current situation.....

your thoughts?
In over 30 years I can't say I've ever had that problem. She might say "What the..." on the way home and I might laugh, which might make her mad, then I explain the other person's perspective, which she might consider loony, etc.
Eventually I might just change the subject to something like where she wants to go for vacation.
I feel your pain. If the matter is petty and small, I would probably stand up for her, and then discuss it with her later. If you disagree with your wife v. your family in a matter of substance, you definitely want to have that discussion in private.
I always run into that issue as well Wedge...I just usually jump in the conversation and derail that mofo ASAP...better your family think that you are a bit rude than them thinking your spouse is a raving ***** :p
Get in the car & leave! Actually, Kim & I ALWAYS were cool we each others families, but we also didn't any completely crazy people (other than me) in either family. But....I would just leave. Like Mark said, you can't win either way.

Repeat as needed...

I have no experience in a situation like that.

Because it is impossible for my wife to ever be wrong about anything.
...you want to defend her.......but you feel she is wrong,

^^^^Mutually exclusive concepts. ^^^^

However it sounds like an in-laws related issue.

which reminds me of the old riddle....

"What is the difference between in-laws and outlaws?"

"Outlaws are wanted!"