What Are Your Favorite Amps To Play?

You can hear the attention to detail in that design. I liked that at high gain I could still hear the individual notes in a chord.

I'd never use the high gain channel, I'm not that kind of player, but it's nice to hear quality, which that amp has in spades. An amp doesn't have to be the style I'd buy to recognize that it's a great product.
Agreed! IMO It Is The Sleeper In The Diezel Family. All The Diezel Amps Are Nice And Do Great Things But The Einstein Is Special. I Am Surprised More People Didn't Gravitate To It As Much As Some Other Models They Make When It Was Available. Those In The Know With Good Ears And Sonic Understanding Got It And Fell In Love With It. For Those Folks, The Einstein Is Likely A Lifetime Amp For Them. (As It Should Be)
I Am Surprised More People Didn't Gravitate To It As Much As Some Other Models They Make When It Was Available.

It happens so often with a great product, right?

I feel that way about the HXDA, the Two-Rock Onyx and the Tremoverb - amps I own or have owned that were completely underrated and discontinued.

Sometimes manufacturers give up too soon on great products, or change models just to have something new to offer the marketplace. I'd have bought another Onyx if Two-Rock hadn't discontinued it. Same with the Tremoverb. Only got rid of mine because a tech ruined it.

Those In The Know With Good Ears And Sonic Understanding Got It And Fell In Love With It. For Those Folks, The Einstein Is Likely A Lifetime Amp For Them. (As It Should Be)

So much of the industry is catering to bedroom players instead of those who play live or in the studio on real-deal sessions. I understand the reasoning behind that; it's great to make a living with your products.

But a lot of folks certainly miss out on the good stuff, and/or never even get to know what the good stuff is, or why it was good.
It happens so often with a great product, right?

I feel that way about the HXDA, the Two-Rock Onyx and the Tremoverb - amps I own or have owned that were completely underrated and discontinued.

Sometimes manufacturers give up too soon on great products, or change models just to have something new to offer the marketplace. I'd have bought another Onyx if Two-Rock hadn't discontinued it. Same with the Tremoverb. Only got rid of mine because a tech ruined it.

So much of the industry is catering to bedroom players instead of those who play live or in the studio on real-deal sessions. I understand the reasoning behind that; it's great to make a living with your products.

But a lot of folks certainly miss out on the good stuff, and/or never even get to know what the good stuff is, or why it was good.
Absolutely True On All Aspects...I Couldn't Agree More.
So much of the industry is catering to bedroom players instead of those who play live or in the studio on real-deal sessions. I understand the reasoning behind that; it's great to make a living with your products.

But a lot of folks certainly miss out on the good stuff, and/or never even get to know what the good stuff is, or why it was good.
I’m strictly a bedroom hacker. That’s all I aspire to be, honestly. I’ve found some pro level gear that works well for me. I got a lot of help here with finding it. I started with the little Mkv25, which is a great amp, but not for the bedroom. I got pointed to a 100 watt triple crown, pro level I’d argue, that plays very nicely in a bedroom volume setting. Same with the Kemper and power kab. Then there’s my Boss Katana Air EX toaster/ portable BT speaker/interface/effects rack/headphone amp/directbox/wireless guitar amp. DEFINITELY a consumer product, but works well, sounds surprisingly decent. It is my favorite just now, because it’s accessible. The rest is in the not yet organized spare bedroom/audio/video/music room!

Damn I’m long winded!
I got pointed to a 100 watt triple crown, pro level I’d argue, that plays very nicely in a bedroom volume setting.
A totally pro amp, though I'd argue that the MkV 25 was also a pro level amp, just of a different type.
Damn I’m long winded!
I break a lot of wind with my posts...

I was at a guitar show this last Sunday, at Kempton Park (down the road from Henry VIII's Hampton Court).

We were fortunate to have Paul Stacey, Ramon Goose and Les Davidson playing at our booth over the course of the day: they all demonstrated just how much you can do with a small combo (a Lazy J plus a FTT Ambi-Space in this case) and some decent skills. Loads of people were standing around, or came on over to listen. A palpable event in the midst of what was otherwise just a cacophony of widdle.

One of the younger visitors to the booth said that in years to come, amps won't be a thing anymore, outside of a museum. Meanwhile, in the booth next to us, they were using a Friedman IR-X with a powered monitor. Their demonstrator was really very capable, and yet they attracted virtually zero interest. No crackle, no fire of excitement, no sense of music created on the fragile edge.........

Real amps may well see declining interest over the years to come; but like a great and storied V8 appearing at a car show full of EVs, I reckon they're not done for just yet :)
I like having two amplifiers one for clean and one for dirty I've owned Fender and Vox but currently I'm using a Friedman Dirty Shirley and a Supro Black Magic. Both get a decent clean sound but I see a Fender 65 Deluxe Reverb in my future.
I was at a guitar show this last Sunday, at Kempton Park (down the road from Henry VIII's Hampton Court).

We were fortunate to have Paul Stacey, Ramon Goose and Les Davidson playing at our booth over the course of the day: they all demonstrated just how much you can do with a small combo (a Lazy J plus a FTT Ambi-Space in this case) and some decent skills. Loads of people were standing around, or came on over to listen. A palpable event in the midst of what was otherwise just a cacophony of widdle.

One of the younger visitors to the booth said that in years to come, amps won't be a thing anymore, outside of a museum. Meanwhile, in the booth next to us, they were using a Friedman IR-X with a powered monitor. Their demonstrator was really very capable, and yet they attracted virtually zero interest. No crackle, no fire of excitement, no sense of music created on the fragile edge.........

Real amps may well see declining interest over the years to come; but like a great and storied V8 appearing at a car show full of EVs, I reckon they're not done for just yet :)
It Was The FTT Pedal, Not The Tube Amp That Lured The Audience. ;) (Kidding...I Just Love FTT Pedals And Give Them Props Whenever I Can.)

Long Live The Tube Amps!
Nice! Need some deets on that one.
Guessing it's a single ended, single power tube (EL34?) design. Who else wants to guess what it is while we wait? :D

Edit: SE, one 6V6, one ECC83 and 5Y3 rec, for those keeping score at home.
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