I was at a guitar show this last Sunday, at Kempton Park (down the road from Henry VIII's Hampton Court).
We were fortunate to have Paul Stacey, Ramon Goose and Les Davidson playing at our booth over the course of the day: they all demonstrated just how much you can do with a small combo (a Lazy J plus a FTT Ambi-Space in this case) and some decent skills. Loads of people were standing around, or came on over to listen. A palpable event in the midst of what was otherwise just a cacophony of widdle.
One of the younger visitors to the booth said that in years to come, amps won't be a thing anymore, outside of a museum. Meanwhile, in the booth next to us, they were using a Friedman IR-X with a powered monitor. Their demonstrator was really very capable, and yet they attracted virtually zero interest. No crackle, no fire of excitement, no sense of music created on the fragile edge.........
Real amps may well see declining interest over the years to come; but like a great and storied V8 appearing at a car show full of EVs, I reckon they're not done for just yet