Wanna Have Some Fun?

There are numerous scams in his auctions from items I recognize before. Cant we report him to the ebay? Looks like he has a ton of stuff listed for 24hr auctions.
Scammer is at it again with my guitar. I just bid $20,000 but no one else has bid so it's only at a buck. Someone please go bid $19,999 so it raises the amount to my $20k, please.


If the link doesn't work, just go here and search for "Archtop Artist 12".

Edit: So nice, he did it thrice. I bid $20k on that one too. :evil:

This is the guitar, in case you're wondering. Make sure you only bid on this one or you've got a problem! :)

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Well, we had it up to $45,000.00 but the scammer keeps canceling bids. We need more bidders, please.
Should of let Ian loose on 'em.