Used PRS selling blues


Just noodlin.
Dec 24, 2022
Southern Indiana
Man. Is it me or is it hard to move gear here lately? I have a CE24 Standard Limited posted for the last 3 months and not much activity.

I can count on one hand the amount of times someone's reached out to ask about it. Possibly because I'm not wanting to be ship it but man I feel like this has been the longest I've sat on something trying to sell.
Man. Is it me or is it hard to move gear here lately? I have a CE24 Standard Limited posted for the last 3 months and not much activity.

I can count on one hand the amount of times someone's reached out to ask about it. Possibly because I'm not wanting to be ship it but man I feel like this has been the longest I've sat on something trying to sell.
What price are you asking?
I would say you have it priced for the right buyer, but not for someone to grab it on a whim. I know shipping is a pain, but you will likely move it if you are willing to ship it. It is a nice looking guitar. I recommend deleting the listing and starting over with a new price and a shipping price. Get a box and have it packed and ready to go so you don’t have the pressure once it sells. You will just print the label and drop it off. Reverb provides convenience, but you have to pay for it. Think of the buyer as a friend you don’t mind losing a little money to help them get a good guitar and it will be easier.
I would say you have it priced for the right buyer, but not for someone to grab it on a whim. I know shipping is a pain, but you will likely move it if you are willing to ship it. It is a nice looking guitar. I recommend deleting the listing and starting over with a new price and a shipping price. Get a box and have it packed and ready to go so you don’t have the pressure once it sells. You will just print the label and drop it off. Reverb provides convenience, but you have to pay for it. Think of the buyer as a friend you don’t mind losing a little money to help them get a good guitar and it will be easier.
Agreed. I'll give it sometime at this price point for a couple weeks then set it up for shipping if it doesn't go.
Honestly - in terms of second hand selling - PRS is overrated. There are only a few PRS models, which are price stable - Santanas, old CU24. The rest - even PS - behaves not like sliced bread.
Especially, when the sellers try to start at or higher than the price of being new in the production year.
Honestly - in terms of second hand selling - PRS is overrated. There are only a few PRS models, which are price stable - Santanas, old CU24. The rest - even PS - behaves not like sliced bread.
Especially, when the sellers try to start at or higher than the price of being new in the production year.
I'm sure an SE model of the CE24 didn't help my case.
I have been active with used PRS, on both sides of the trade in the past 18 months. Prices are dropping and Buyers are far fewer. It's just a tough time if you are trying to sell. I recently listed my 2018 10-Top DC594 and within an hour of me listing 2 identical used and 4 new ones were listed, in the same color. As I was not dying to sell, I simply took mine down. It would have caused me to drop my price to crazy levels just to move it. I had better luck recently with an artist package DC594 so it seems "premium" or rare items are still doing pretty well.

With that said, I got three amazing deals in the same 18 months so it's not all bad. I am sitting on 2-3 guitars "too many" at the moment because the market does not support me selling them. This is a time where I am rotating in very specific items because prices are very good and I will unload unwanted items at a later time. I had to sit my wife down a few weeks ago an explain the market because she was getting worried with the frequent deliveries and fewer going out. :cool:
Prerequisit: You want to sell (quickly).
I recommend, first get the street price of the guitar in the respective production year.
Your starting price could be half of it.

(In 2016 I had a discussion with the head of the custom shop department of our second biggest national music gear stores. The biggest is the world's largest. Thomann.
He told me, nine out of ten customers buy Fender or Gibson guitars. And one customer selects from EBMM, Duesenberg, Gretsch, Ibanez, ESP, Mayones, Aristides, ... or PRS.
I assume it's comperable elsewhere.
It has been mentioned already in an other thread: Taking the example of a 513. The offers at Reverb are way beyond reality. Some - for a Core - request up to 10 Grants. A price around 2 to 2½ is fair. Everything else overrated.)
I'm not a gear dealer, so I don't expect to live or die on a deal. If I quote someone a terrific price and they're happy, then I'm happy.

I guess there's a reason I'm not rich! 🤣

But I figure an extra couple of hundred bucks isn't going to change my life one way or the other.