TV Jones Classic vs Classic Plus for Bridge only guitar


New Member
Dec 7, 2024
Hi All. I have a 2010 PRS SE Custom Hollowbody. I am making this a bridge only guitar. I have narrowed down my search to TV Jones Classic vs Classic Plus. I play strictly rhythm. 50% of the time I play clean, 50% slightly dirty/driven. Sound wise I’m into the Beatles, Petty, early AC/DC( Malcolm’s tone that’s not that overdriven). Nothing modern. Which would you choose and why? Thank you!
The plus is better for the bridge , I have both . You might also consider the Billy Gibbons Power Tron , or the Brian Setzer I have them all as well as Supertron's .
The plus is better for the bridge , I have both . You might also consider the Billy Gibbons Power Tron , or the Brian Setzer I have them all as well as Supertron's .
How do the Setzer and the plus compare sound wise? Since I’m only having a bridge pickup I need it to be clear enough for chords and arpeggios. Edge of breakup and a little more sometimes. I don’t want anything too muddy.
In order of clarity Filter tron , Setzer, Filtertron Plus , Powertron , Powertron plus the Supertron is a blade style Fitertron great for those who like to ben as you don't lose signal. They make a bass version called a thuntertron that's quite awesome as well .. Have them all .
In order of clarity Filter tron , Setzer, Filtertron Plus , Powertron , Powertron plus the Supertron is a blade style Fitertron great for those who like to ben as you don't lose signal. They make a bass version called a thuntertron that's quite awesome as well .. Have them all .
Where do the classic and classic plus fit in there? I’m worried about a high output pickup being too muddy. That’s why I was leaning towards the classic and classic plus. But I did see the Setzer is between the two as far as output goes. How do the Setzer and the classic plus compare sound wise?