Tremonti Treble vs HFS in a Custom 22?


New Member
Jul 16, 2020

I own an SE Custom 22 with a Gibson Dirty Fingers in the bridge (was a big Blink 182 fan at the time I put it in), and I also own a Tremonti SE with the US Tremonti pickups in it which I love the sound of and I’m considering replacing the Dirty Fingers with a Tremonti in the CU22.

Has anybody put a Tremonti in a custom 22 or 24? I very briefly owned a custom 24 but I took it back because I found the HFS pickup to be a bit bright/harsh. The question is would the Tremonti sound less harsh in the high end or is that mostly in the body? Because I understand the Tremonti is a fairly bass heavy pickup in a naturally bassy body so would round off the highs nicely. Just looking to get a somewhat similar tone In my cu22 as it’s more comfortable to play.
For me I like the HFS better than a Tremonti.

I have gone with Suhr Aldrich pups in all my PRS. All the heat AND all the clarity - also very reasonably priced.
BrianC, what guitars did you use the Tremonti and HFS in? And how were they different? (assuming you used them in similar guitars)
I had an HFS in my CU24 and didn't really care for it. I had a Tremonti in a Standard 24 and thought it was a bit too boomy. I do love Dragon 1 Treble and \m/ Trebles for high gain settings.
The Tremonti pickup will be bigger sounding than an HFS, but I would not necessarily say warmer. The Tremonti's I have played were full and punchy, but still plenty bright. If that would be TOO bright for you, hard to say.

Bowtiefanatc above me gave you two better choices for PRS pickups: both tye Dragon 1 and Metal are high output, but not shrill at all. Two of my favourite high output choices from PRS.
The Tremonti pickup will be bigger sounding than an HFS, but I would not necessarily say warmer. The Tremonti's I have played were full and punchy, but still plenty bright. If that would be TOO bright for you, hard to say.

Bowtiefanatc above me gave you two better choices for PRS pickups: both tye Dragon 1 and Metal are high output, but not shrill at all. Two of my favourite high output choices from PRS.

Thanks. I like the big sounding part. I do have a Tremonti in a Tremonti guitar and that sounds amazing Once I rolled the bass back a bit, and definitely less bright than a Dirty Fingers or an HFS is in a Custom 22. So would you think the fact the Tremonti sounds less bright is more to do with the body than the pickup?