Tremonti Core Control Layout Changes?


New Member
Feb 13, 2022
I just received a new 2024 USA Tremonti and almost had a heart attack. I was playing and moving through sounds to find the control layout is different from what I expected. In playing position, the top to controls affect the neck pickup and the bottom affect the bridge. This is similar to the controls on my 594's. It is also what is shown on the PRS website. My confusion stems from the fact that this is not how the controls on my 2017 and 2022 Tremontis are laid out. Both of them have the front two controls as neck with the back two as bridge. Effectively the top two controls are the two volume knobs.

I understood the reason for the original layout was to fit Mark's playing preference so it seems strange to keep the control layout, but change the function. When did this change?
2023 shows old layout

2024 has the change

I ordered a PS Tremonti in early 2023 and it came in with the revised controls. Really wasn’t thrilled that there wasn’t any notification or asking if I was okay with that…
I ordered a PS Tremonti in early 2023 and it came in with the revised controls. Really wasn’t thrilled that there wasn’t any notification or asking if I was okay with that…
Same situation here. My PS showed up today and I was concerned something was wrong. I grabbed my 2022 to make sure I was not imagining the "normal" layout I was used to. In the end, I can live with it as I already use that layout with my 594's, but I would have liked at least a notice of the change while the guitar was in process.
Should be possible to change the layout as per your preference

But yeah, odd decision to change the layout - I feel the original layout (which is also on my 2013 SC245) makes a lot more sense logically.
But PRS (as other productive companies) allows themself to introduce devolopment/changes without further notice.

And I take the 513 as an example. Not mentioning the change from rosewood neck to mahagony, because this was obvious by the specifications given catalogues/pricelists.
But foremost the subtle ones:
Change from compensated nut to ordinary nut, change from Phase II to III, change from 513 birds to the average birds, and all the revisions of the PCB, and at least the rip off of the PCB towards point-to-point-soldering.
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@intothevoid I agree. It's a simple fix if I need to make it, moving a couple of wires on two pots. No big deal to me.

@Maertl513, to be clear I do not expect any special treatment from PRS on a change to their product. It is their design and they are marketing it. They do not owe me anything. My comment about a "notice" was more about the PS program and how changes are communicated for works that are already in process.

In the end, is this a big deal for me? Not at all. They moved the volume control to the same location as I have on 7 other guitars. Hardly a deal breaker for me. I was simply surprised because I was not aware of the change. As @intothevoid pointed out, it is a simple fix if it really bothers me, so no harm on my end. Now that I am aware of it I doubt I will even think twice about it when playing and I would be very surprised if I actually take that step to change the wires.

In the end, I was surprised by the change, but it is exactly these little tweaks by PRS that I find interesting about the company. They are constantly improving their products. That commitment to excellence and improvement is what sets them apart from the legacy brands who make amazing reproductions of earlier designs. It's a different business model and one that really appeals to me. No worries at all.
I don't contradict your explanation. The prejudification on PRS is, that every change follows the quest of offering the player a better tone, better haptic, better functionality/ergonic.
And I learned that by meeting unintended Paul at an exhibition.
We had a talk. He asked me, if I own a PRS. I confirmed, to own a 513 MT. He then wanted to know, if I'm satistied with my 513.he Of course, I replied, it's my #1 (at that time, later it moved to second admired guitar, because of my second luthier made guitar). He explained that he ordered an improvement of the electrical circuit, because he was convinced that classic wiring delivers more transparency. The end of the PCB in 513s (509 had later classic wiring only).
Out of the sudden he sursprised me with a gift. The modification of my 513 to that point-to-point soldered connection of the electrical parts.
I live in Europe, and it was executed by PRS Europe in Cambrigeshire by Nick Fraser.
I wasn't aware they made this change to the Tremonti. I have an SC-58 that is wired this way. It is the one thing I am not all that thrilled with on the guitar. It doesn't bother me enough to change it but I am not thrilled with it. It takes me a bit to adjust to it but I do eventually adjust and get on with it.