David Grissom is a fantastic player, and has helped Paul build some wonderful guitars.
While I agree that it appears DG is a man of integrity, you've got to keep in mind that his guitar works for his hands, his rig, his playing style. He says he can fool a producer into thinking he's playing a vintage Les Paul when in reality he's playing the PRS...
Not so in my hands LOL!
It's a great guitar in its own right, just go into this thing with your eyes open
It can't be stressed enough the importance of getting your hands on these guitars (Core/SE) and spending time playing each-- and I mean really playing; full tunes, full solos or whatever you will be using it for. Play them sitting, standing, go through all the pickup settings... put it to the test as you would your own guitar. Doing so will guide your decision better than ANY video, or random guy on a fan-club board (Ha!). These are things I wish I did BEFORE buying my DGT. A quick example is me recently ordering a Core Silver Sky and knowing within minutes of sitting down with it that it was definitely NOT for me-- despite videos convincing me it was
(a story for another time... next week maybe).
Either way, don't rush it-- enjoy the search. Cheers!