Tips for Attaching Guitar Straps to PRS Core Guitars?


New Member
Nov 11, 2017
I’ve noticed that attaching a guitar strap to a PRS Core guitar can be surprisingly challenging due to the large strap buttons. I understand the design is meant to eliminate the need for additional gear like strap locks, but I’ve been struggling to get straps on and off without a fight.

Is there a trick to this, or something I might be missing?
Yeah, some of my straps with the synthetic leather ends put up a greater fight.

If you're not opposed to buying a new strap, check out Franklin Straps; they offer several with nice, soft leather ends that seem to be the perfect fit for the larger PRS buttons. Here's my favorite from Franklin. Their prices are very reasonable.

Of course not all leather straps are equal. On my Neotech strap, the leather ends are VERY stiff. So I spent a few days treating the ends with a leather conditioner-- that worked out nicely. Installation is now a minor challenge, and becoming easier ;)
Yeah, some of my straps with the synthetic leather ends put up a greater fight.

If you're not opposed to buying a new strap, check out Franklin Straps; they offer several with nice, soft leather ends that seem to be the perfect fit for the larger PRS buttons. Here's my favorite from Franklin. Their prices are very reasonable.

Of course not all leather straps are equal. On my Neotech strap, the leather ends are VERY stiff. So I spent a few days treating the ends with a leather conditioner-- that worked out nicely. Installation is now a minor challenge, and becoming easier ;)
Those are nice looking straps.
Yeah, some of my straps with the synthetic leather ends put up a greater fight.

If you're not opposed to buying a new strap, check out Franklin Straps; they offer several with nice, soft leather ends that seem to be the perfect fit for the larger PRS buttons. Here's my favorite from Franklin. Their prices are very reasonable.

Of course not all leather straps are equal. On my Neotech strap, the leather ends are VERY stiff. So I spent a few days treating the ends with a leather conditioner-- that worked out nicely. Installation is now a minor challenge, and becoming easier ;)

I am a big fan of Franklin straps. The ones I really like are THESE. I have somewhere between 8 to 12 of these. I bought most of them when the price was much lower than today, close to half of what they sell for today. I use the 2.5" version. I used to get them for $40 to $45 each. Then the price almost doubled overnight. If I needed a new strap today, I would still buy it even at the higher price.

As a note of caution, be careful leaving a leather strap on your guitar all the time, especially if it is tan or lighter in color. Black may be okay. There are chemicals used in tanning the lighter leather colors that could and probably will react with the finish of your guitar, especially if it is nitro. It will leave some really nasty marks. This is also where strap locks help. They usually put enough distance between the strap and guitar that they are not in contact with each other.
I am a big fan of Franklin straps. The ones I really like are THESE. I have somewhere between 8 to 12 of these. I bought most of them when the price was much lower than today, close to half of what they sell for today. I use the 2.5" version. I used to get them for $40 to $45 each. Then the price almost doubled overnight. If I needed a new strap today, I would still buy it even at the higher price.

As a note of caution, be careful leaving a leather strap on your guitar all the time, especially if it is tan or lighter in color. Black may be okay. There are chemicals used in tanning the lighter leather colors that could and probably will react with the finish of your guitar, especially if it is nitro. It will leave some really nasty marks. This is also where strap locks help. They usually put enough distance between the strap and guitar that they are not in contact with each other.
You're right about the leather reacting with the finish; learned that lesson years ago LOL! Ever since all my straps live in the respective guitar's case.

As strap locks go, my favorite has always been the Dunlop versions. The buttons are shaped well enough that if you forget to bring the strap with the locking mechanism it will still work well with any standard strap-- unlike the Schaller versions. Dunlop versions also allow for more space between the body & strap to easily loop the output cable through ;) Lately I've been giving the standard PRS buttons an honest try before swapping them out for Dunlops.

Been thinking seriously about buying a second Franklin, this time the Purist Glove Leather version, which is priced more in my ballpark these days.
Of all the things PRS has changed that they shouldn't have, the strap buttons definitely should have been.

Of course, they wouldn't sell as many PRS straps if they did! i.e., I have owned some, they are certainly very well made straps, but the size of the strap holes were definitley part of my decision.

Right now, I have a nice soft leather Red Monkey "Blackmore" strap on my S2 that fits on easily. Also, with a little bit of "stretching", Walker and Williams usually fit.
I’ll go against the grain, PRS OG strap buttons eliminate the need for those ugly mechanical (read parts can and will break) strap locks from any manufacturer. The new style strap buttons are not for me. Sooooo I have tons of Schaller and some Dunlop strap lock parts (from when I had a music store) interested in OG PRS strap buttons if anyone wants or needs Schaller/Dunlop parts. PM me please. Ken
Of all the things PRS has changed that they shouldn't have, the strap buttons definitely should have been.
PRS actually did change the strap buttons. They made them stick out a little more from the body than what they used to.

I am another Schaller guy, with a clarification. I like the old style that Fender now owns. I use the stock longer PRS screw with them. I have been using these strap locks for decades and have only ever had one minor issue with one of them and it wasn't an issue that would have caused the guitar to drop. The pull part on the strap side kept unscrewing a little so you had to screw it back on. I finally put a little Loctite on it and that fixed it. One key to using these is to use a 13mm box end wrench and tighten the part on the strap with that. Mine never come loose.

I am NOT a fan of the new Schaller locks where the screw is integrated into the button. I have a new set of those around here somewhere that I got by accident. I will never use them.
I use the Ernie Ball Superlocks. Fender makes a copy of them that they call Infinity, and are interchangeable with the EBs. The PRS buttons go back in the case while the PRS screws get used with the locks.