Timing is Everything!!!!


New Member
Aug 24, 2012
Can you believe this??? I buy 2 new PRS guitars in a 3 month span and I missed the "2013 Summer Thank You" promo on both.
The Promo ran between June 1, 2013 and July 31, 2013. I purchased my HBII in May and my P22T in August. Timing is everything in this world and mine is bad..
That happened to me too with a few of my PRS guitars.
I did get in on two of them though.
Two out of five is not bad.
What's worse is I bought this guitar new from a dealer during the give away and did't get no stinkin' strings!

Problem solved:

Stop changing your strings.

In 1967 I discovered that strings never need to be changed. All this "you need new strings" stuff?

Yup, it's a myth.

Don't get me wrong, string-makers have good intentions. They believe the myth, too. But have you ever had to restring a piano, no matter how old it is? Of course not. Yet the strings are pretty much the same stuff, just a lot more of them, and a lot thicker.

All this string business is just something for guys to fiddle with on their guitars as a "feel good" thing. So, OP, do not worry. If it makes you feel better, I will send you a complete set of LSchefman pre-owned "vintage artist" strings. Not only are they wonderfully aged and seasoned, but they will always sound exactly as warm and wonderful as they do now. Plus, all of my vintage strings are reconditioned in my special salt bath for extra corrosion. So you know they're the real deal! ;)
Can you believe this??? I buy 2 new PRS guitars in a 3 month span and I missed the "2013 Summer Thank You" promo on both.
The Promo ran between June 1, 2013 and July 31, 2013. I purchased my HBII in May and my P22T in August. Timing is everything in this world and mine is bad..

sir, with all due respect, if you were fortunate enough to be able to afford those 2 beautiful guitars in that short of a span, I really cant be sympathetic towards you missing the "thank you" package! (lol)
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sir, with all due respect, if you were fortunate enough to be able to afford those 2 beautiful guitars in that short of a span, I really cant be sympathetic towards you missing the "thank you" package! (lol)

well, I did have to sell 3 PRS and one Esquire (clone) to get these.. but You are right, I can't really complain. just thought it was funny...
Maybe you pick like a wuss. :tongue:

Hey, would you mind driving over to Talent Partners to pick up a few broadcast royalty checks for me next time you're downtown?

I have so little time, and it's my busy season...

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A Mira just came up for sale locally that I probably could have swung if I hadn't just bought my SE. Dag nabbit. Oh well guess I'll just sock my pennies away for a US singlecut. :)
I missed it by four days! I bought my Brent Mason Model May 28, didn't receive it until after June 1, sent in the paperwork and found out that I wasn't eligible. Oh, well--I didn't know about the string giveaway when I ordered the guitar anyway. Certainly nothing to lose sleep over...
Yeah...I'm the recipient of a lot of ribbing at the other PRSForums.
I was whining about missing the last promo. My Wife bought me a 2011 Studio For Christmas (in 2011). Naturally, 6 days later they started giving THANK YOU gifts to PRS buyers who bought in 2012!! DOH!

My B-Day is in the first week of June. She bought me a Tremonti SE Custom for my Birthday...a little early...on like May 28th or something and naturally...come June 1st, ANOTHER giveaway
Sucks to be me.
Yeah...I'm the recipient of a lot of ribbing at the other PRSForums.
I was whining about missing the last promo. My Wife bought me a 2011 Studio For Christmas (in 2011). Naturally, 6 days later they started giving THANK YOU gifts to PRS buyers who bought in 2012!! DOH!

My B-Day is in the first week of June. She bought me a Tremonti SE Custom for my Birthday...a little early...on like May 28th or something and naturally...come June 1st, ANOTHER giveaway
Sucks to be me.

I wouldn't say that... Your wife bought you 2 PRS Guitars. that is pretty damn cool!!!