Sorry, but that's as ridiculous as Randall Smith's "White Paper". It's strictly a marketing tool by Mesa. The bias on any tube amplifier changes from the moment you flip the power switch. Components degrade, plate voltage wanders, tubes wear down. Some Mesa amps do have a bias adjustment. For those that don't, particularly the MK IV, installing one can make a huge difference.
The bias points for self-biasing tube circuits change from the moment that one powers on an amp. They continue to do so until reaching equilibrium. The preamp tubes in most tube amps are configured to be self-biasing. The bias voltages for preamp tubes are created across cathode resistors. However, not all power amp topologies are self-biasing. In fact, most of the power amp circuits that are found in guitar amplification are not self-biasing.
Cathode-biased power amps are self-biasing because the bias voltage is developed across one or more cathode resistors. The control grids in a cathode-biased power amp are at ground potential, which makes them negative with respect to the cathodes because the cathodes are sitting at a positive voltage that is equal the resistance of the cathode resistor multiplied by the current being drawn through it.
For example, the typical Mullard Application Note-based cathode-biased 2xEL84 amp uses a 130-Ohm cathode resistor. EL84s are 12-Watt tubes. With a plate and screen grid voltage of 300 Volts DC (VDC), this topology will settle in with a cathode voltage of around +10.6 VDC. This voltage is the result of a combined plate (37 milliamps per tube) and screen (4 milliamps per tube) current draw of around 82 milliamps for two EL84s through the cathode resistor, which is wired between the cathodes and ground. Since the grids are at ground potential, they are effectively at -10.6 VDC with respect to the cathode.
If we examine the plate current curves on the EL84 data sheet shown below, we see that a bias voltage of -10.6 lies between the curves for -10 and -11 VDC. If we move to 300 VDC on the X-axis (Plate Volts scale), we see that the plate current curve for a single EL84 with a bias voltage of -10.6 pretty much matches are our calculation.
With real world tubes, the bias voltage will adjust up or down based on the transconductance of the actual tubes that are installed in the circuit (the transconductance of a tube is measured as the change in current-out over the change in voltage-in). Any attempt by a power tube to draw more current will be met with resistance because the power tube cathodes are connect to ground via a resistor. The voltage drop across the cathode resistor will rise with any rise in current, which, in turn, will cause the control grids to become more negative with respective the cathodes, resulting in a more negative bias voltage. If one examines that plates current curves on the EL84 data sheet shown above, one clearly sees that plate current decreases as the bias voltage is made more negative.
With a fixed-bias power amp, the cathodes are wired directly to ground and a negative voltage is applied to the control grids to set the quiescent current drawn by the power amp. There is no automatic adjustment up or down, which means that bias voltage has to be adjusted for different sets of tubes, or one risks running the tubes too hot (a.k.a. "cherry plating") or too cold. Most sane amp manufacturers insert a potentiometer into their negative bias voltage supply division network. This potentiometer allows a service technician to easily set the bias voltage for proper quiescent current draw when installing a new set of power tubes. However, Mesa has chosen to make the negative bias voltage supply fixed in their amps, which means that one must either use tubes that are selected to bias at the proper quiescent current with Mesa's selected bias voltage, or one must replace one of the resistors in the bias supply voltage division network with different value that results in the proper negative bias voltage being fed to the control grids. Another alternative is to replace one of the resistors in the bias voltage supply division network with a potentiometer that allows one to set the proper bias voltage without having to replace one of the resistors in the bias supply with every tube change. Replacing one of the resistors in the bias voltage supply network with a potentiometer is a very common modification for Mesa amps because it frees one from having to use Mesa-selected tubes or tubes that have been selected by another vendor to bias correctly at Mesa’s chosen bias voltage.
In the end, the reason why we have to re-bias the power section of a fixed-bias amp is because the transconductance of any given tube type differs slightly from tube to tube. If that were not the case, vendors would not sell "matched" pairs. The matching in this case refers to tube transconductance. The reason why me use matched pairs and quads is because we want the tubes in a push-pull amp to draw roughly the same current for any given bias point.
Finally, tubes as well as most amp components do drift over time. However, drift in a power tube is more likely to make it run cold than to make it cherry-plate. Tube life is substantially reduced when the plates are glowing.