Is the lower bout on the Mira the same dimensions as a Custom/Standard 22? I Initially thought the Mira had a slightly bigger lower bout, but I’m starting to convince myself it’s an optical illusion. I think the fact that the upper horn is smaller than the Custom and Standard 22s its giving the impression of the Mira having a bigger body. I’m trying to hunt one down but they’re hard to find locally. Also, how would you compare the sound of your 22s with the Mira. Would you say it’s a bit warmer or brighter? From demos I’ve heard so far, they are honky mid focused guitars. The closes thing I’ve heard was an SG, but with a slightly different character. Regarding looks, my only rule is that whatever finish a guitar has, it has to be transparent. For this particular guitar, I want something that I feel I can beet it hard. Something that you can fight a war with, a la Tele.