The Way Things Work

Wow, Dusty. THAT is so cool. It give me the confidence I need to tackle extramaphytic evaporationdensationalic guitar polish.

Splay rod.

The muffler bearings are left handed and auto adjusting for both rise and run while the expansion flaget remains terminal. Thus, no need to mention them.
Hey, I'm left handed. o_O

If only out of courtesy...for their superior luster, sheen, and disentropy quotient.
The muffler bearings are left handed and auto adjusting for both rise and run while the expansion flaget remains terminal. Thus, no need to mention them.

I concur. Frankly, I'm surprised that even needed mentioning.
For years I've been under the false impression that my left shoulder was damaged and in need of surgery. But now, thanks to this video, I realize that the true problem is my dingle arm. Thank you, rugerpc. At last - The Truth!

Goldtop Lloydropleopapagator