The verdict on ME I's....57/08's or RP's?


New Member
Apr 27, 2012
I'm seriously considering grabbing one but am wrestling with the pickup option. There are a few with each available.
I expect you'll receive votes for each. My ME 1 really livened up when I dropped some 59/09's in it. I also had a McRosie that I had the PTC put some 57/08's in and that was a really great match. I cast my vote for the 57/08's all the way.
I like the RP's a lot on my ME. At full volume, they're darker, hotter and thicker sounding than 57/08's, which I like.. They clean up well when the volume is rolled back, too. 57/08's are more articulate IMHO, but they sound a little thinner to my ears when cranked.
59/09s are fat. 57/08s not so much. My 59/09 rosewood Cu24 is my darkest/fattest sounding guitar (no boom). Makes my LP std sound like a cat with a strat up it's ass.

I always felt 57/08s were a bit thin for my taste. I shortly had a 25th Cu24 with 57/08s and it was OK. I didn't keep it.
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RPs are a no go for me, though I've never heard them in a RW neck instrument...

I prefer 53/10s. In this case I would say go for the 57/08s.
I'm glad this thread came up. Soon I will be shipping off my ME1 to the PTC for the glossy look. I'm leaning very heavily towards having them install some 59/09 pickups while they're at it. Thanks for reminding me!!!!
I liked the RPs well enough when I first got my FBJ ME1...till I played my 57/08-loaded Singlecut right after. I slapped a set of 57/08s in the ME1 immediately. That guitar totally came to life. When I recently picked up my Emerald Green ME1, it was loaded with RPs, so I did a quick comparison. To be more precise, I tried to do a comparison, but it was impossible. There was no comparison. The 57/08s blow the RPs away.
Through thick and thin I've never been motivated to pull out the RPs in a 2005 ME1. They work very well in that guitar. I'll bet 5708s/5909s would also be glorious, and fortunately pickups can be swapped out for those who are still seeking or are curious.