The Shameful Elephant's in the Room

People have short memories, or are ignorant of history. From 1990-1995, PRS made a Strat-looking, 3 single pickup, bolt-on neck, plastic pickguarded, guitar called the EG. Google it. It’s pretty much a Strat.

The concept is, therefore, 28 years old for PRS. So the “elephant” has been around for a while.

The Santana shape is a variation on the Les Paul Jr. double-cut. Take a look at both guitar shapes, Person Thinking He’s Pointing Out Elephants.

The Strat headstock was first seen on the 1948 Bigsby Merle Travis guitar. And guess what; the Les Paul body shape was ALSO first seen on the 1948 Bigsby Merle Travis guitar. Google the damn thing. Now tell me how original the world is.

What motivates anyone to claim, “OMG, I’ve just noticed something that’s upset me that no one else is talking about,” when in fact, it’s all over the freaking internet and is the subject of innumerable rants and blathers, including on this very forum, is a mystery to me.

Ahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa.... best post I've read here a while!
Wasn’t going to give a legit response to this thread, but f#€£ it. For someone like me, who doesn’t want to play anything besides PRS, it’s great to have these options. I don’t remotely agree with the OP, but not gonna waste time explaining why. Here’s the thing. I came from the LP camp prior to playing PRS. So the 594 models appeal to me. I don’t own one yet but have a 2007 AP SC. Recently I picked up a few LP’s off the rack at a store that were in the $3-4K range. Every single one of them felt uncomfortable to play. Felt big and clunky and playability was less than great even though the setup was fine. I have zero desire to own one. I do however like the tones of guitars with that body shape. I sound and play a 100x better on a PRS SC of any variety than any other brand. I like to play them and feel inspired to play them. So why would PRS not make these guitars? They’re a business that needs to sell guitars to make money. I’m a nobody. I can’t afford to buy guitars all the time to keep PRS in business. Those who get to endorse PRS...sometimes they need the tones of those iconic guitar designs. Do you think PRS wants those artists who put guitars in front of people’s eyes to have to play a Gibson or Fender? I think not. That’s bad for business. So when Carrie Underwood’s guitarist is playing an SC594 while standing next to her at the CMA’s, that’s promoting the brand in front of a huge audience and keeping PRS in business. It keeps money coming in to continue innovations and create new designs. It’s not rocket science.
My added comments for the sake of having them documented.....

When the DC 594 was released, I was like "Meh." I went and tried it because of how EVERYONE was raving about it. Couldn't dig it. Tonally? Yeah, it's great. Aesthetically? NOPE - just can't convince myself to play it. There is just something psychologically blocking me from the 4 knobs and switch on the horn with the old PRS body shape.

Did I go online and trash PRS and the guitar? No. My life moved forward. I spent the money on another PRS that I would enjoy (think that's when I grabbed the Paul's Guitar). Essentially, I viewed me not liking the 594 to being MY LOSS, lol.

When the SC594 was released I thought it would probably be better for me. Nope. Just didn't gel. Too bad, too, because sonically it fills a void I want. Can't explain what is blocking me - maybe the scale length? I have NEVER been a G guy. One day I'll grab one used and ad it to the herd, but not right now. The stash of what I have is getting the job MORE than done. A LOT of people dig that guitar though, so good for PRS!!

I WANT them to sell guitars so they will be around to release a model I am interested in...

Now, the Mayer guitar.....

Yeah, I had a few things to say about that one, lol...

I will admit that I didn't "get it" at first. BUT, aside from a couple of comments here among fellow fans, I didn't say too much. Instead, I grabbed my PRS Book and did some reading. Then I noticed that PRS has really attempted "F" flavored guitars all along. Some more "traditional" some more "original" - but the utilization of building techniques that "F" has used over their history HAVE been employed by PRS.

These guitars ALWAYS eventually seem to fade away, some faster than others, but they vanish from the line.


Well, it's simple. Guys that play that type of guitar WANT that type of guitar. My brother falls into that category. He is more of a casual player than I am - he has ONE guitar and ONE amp. He plays ONE type of music. His gear is ALL Vintage. Let me tell you his story to illustrate my point....

My brother is younger by two years. He LOVES 60's Instrumental music, mainly surf. He is a surfer. He plays surf guitar. He drive a turquoise and beige 55 Plymouth Station Wagon in near mint condition. He is CONSTANTLY getting melanoma cut out of his body. Last week it looked liked his back was slashed with a sword....

Gear? (The part we care about, right?) Yeah, yeah....hang on....

That is a tale unto itself. It will explain other aspects of other things that I won't be bringing up, and some dots will be able to be connected....

I started playing young - like 11 years old. I had a Neon Yellow Ibanez. My brother decided he'd sneak play that Ibanez and learn. He got pretty good for a while. We'd go visit Grandma and Grandpa over the summer. For the most part we didn't like it, except that Grandpa played electric guitar - he was a Country guy from the 50s and 60s. He had old stuff. It sucked for me because I was metal guy, but it was HEAVEN for my brother. We DID learn to appreciate other forms of music, and learned rockabilly, blues, country, bluegrass, slide - all this stuff that helps me NOW, but was pointless as a metal head kid, lol. My brother ATE IT UP!!!

Grandpa got REALLY sick. As we were the ONLY grand kids that played guitar, we got to choose from his gear. Grandpa was a strat-man. He had two. A maple board guitar and a rosewood board guitar. He had a few amps of different sizes - I guess as venues got bigger, he just bought bigger amps and kept the old ones. (I'll share details in a minute). Everything he owned was "F".

Grandpa passed. We were sad, and in no real hurry to "claim" or inheritance. When the time DID come, it was pretty simple. My brother took the maple board (he liked maple) I took the rosewood (I liked rosewood). Guessing from what I know about "F" guitars, and what grandma says (she's still alive), my brother has a '55 that was bought used in 1960. I got a custom color (black over burst) '62 Rosewood that Grandpa bought new.

My brother only wanted ONE amp - the brown Showman. Dick Dale used one, so must he!!!! I took all the rest of the amps. Put most in storage, kept them together for years adding to the group ever so often when something cool would come up.....another story for another time.

"Yeah, cool. You got a vintage S when your Grandpa died. Lucky you!!"

Well, bringing it back to PRS....

My brother can play his "F" with his eyes closed. That single guitar is an extension of who he is as a player. Shoot, you could probably cut his hand off and he'd STILL be able to play it with his mind. In my years as a player, guys that are married to the "F" S are like my brother - if it varies from Leo's design they don't want it. It is perfect and Leo got it right the FIRST try. That is my brother's frame of mind....

PRS builds their OWN version of that TYPE of guitar (DC3 anyone??) and PRS players dig it, but not too many - IF ANY - hardcore "F" S players. It's too different. Same with the 305.....well, ANYTHING PRS has done up to the Mayer guitar.

But now????

Dude, the Mayer guitar is TOO close to the "sacred" S (not really, PRS always does some clever things to "improve"). BLASPHEMEY!!!!!! They (PRS) ALWAYS WERE COPY-CATS!!!!! BAHHHH!!!!! and so on.....

Yet, the guitar is flying off the assembly line. WHY???? Because NOW it is close enough that dudes like my brother can go, "Ahhh, vintage radius and frets. Nice. Sounds good. Looks like MY guitar, but I can take it outside - AND it's priced ok." PRS FINALLY has the 3 single coil guitar he/they have been trying to make since forever.

It gets better than that, even.... I HATE the S and I am 99.7% I will buy one, lol. Why? Because it sounds amazing. I will AT LEAST be trying one out.

There is NO elephant in the room. My post has no point other than to waste time, space, and energy. But I feel accomplished for having typed it!
Seriously, dude, this is a PRS sponsored forum, that they are nice enough to provide for those of us who enjoy their instruments. If you want to rip the company, go to f*cking TGP or something. Poor form.
OK, I should probably just shut up, but as a relatively new guy here, I'm genuinely curious. Did PRS include this forum on their website ONLY to allow people to gush over how much they love everything PRS does? Or did they also assume (maybe even hope) there'd be some criticism, discussion, debate? I mean, I've been on sponsored forums before and there's a certain level of just gratuitous stick in the eye kinds of posts that were frowned upon, maybe even with a thread shut down upon occasion. But there was all kinds of debate and discussion about different frames (this was a bicycle frame-maker's sponsored forum) the company offered. When someone thought they'd offered a real stinker, if the discussion was civil and didn't get into name calling, I never saw anyone object to those threads. I was pretty damn sure that company reps were looking in and taking some of the criticism as valid input. I mean, who better to listen to than some of your most devoted fans who know your product line better than a lot of retailers do?

But I've seen just a handful of negative threads (constructively negative too, I thought) here in the couple of months I've been checking out this forum and the OPs generally get ripped a new one, accused of being trolls, etc. Rather than their criticisms being taken in good faith.

I mean, if that's the rule or the culture, good to know, I guess, but I honestly don't get it. I personally don't have any problem with PRS offering guitars that look a lot like strats and Les Pauls, but I'd probably be less inclined to buy one unless I just LOVED the guitar well above and beyond what was available from the original manufacturer. I bought a 594, but I absolutely wanted a double-cut, mostly because of aesthetics - it looks completely like a PRS, not sort of like a Les Paul. I'm not interested in anyone's strat copy because to me the original is still perfect in it's imperfection. The strat is a funky guitar - sometimes you have to fight with it a little bit, but to me that's part of the experience and contributes to the feel and the sound. I want my 594 to play like a PRS but I don't want my strat to play that way! I don't have a problem with PRS offering guitars that look like strats and Les Pauls but play like PRSs, but I also don't see anything wrong with the OP expressing his lukewarm (at best) reaction to it. I don't care one way or the other but I'd be less inclined to buy one too. I mean, I like the Silver Sky well enough, but if they'd been able to come up with a design that was clearly 90% PRS and 10% strat (rather than the other way around) and still gave Mayer his preferred sound(s) and feel, that surely wouldn't have been a BAD thing, would it!?!?!?

So, is this place JUST a fan club? I mean, it's obviously that and I don't have any issue with that at all - it's inevitable and great. PRS guitars are certainly worthy of a lot of adulation. I've learned a lot here and I love my 594, so I'm a fan too. I also just took in a stray old Soapbar II that I'm really digging and will make sure it gets a good home, whether mine or someone else's. More on that probably to come. It looks like a PRS too and plays well enough - not like a 594, not like a strat, but nothing that would be a disincentive to keeping it...

But really, isn't a little bit of good faith criticism part of what this forum is here for as well?

OK, I should probably just shut up, but as a relatively new guy here, I'm genuinely curious. Did PRS include this forum on their website ONLY to allow people to gush over how much they love everything PRS does? Or did they also assume (maybe even hope) there'd be some criticism, discussion, debate? I mean, I've been on sponsored forums before and there's a certain level of just gratuitous stick in the eye kinds of posts that were frowned upon, maybe even with a thread shut down upon occasion. But there was all kinds of debate and discussion about different frames (this was a bicycle frame-maker's sponsored forum) the company offered. When someone thought they'd offered a real stinker, if the discussion was civil and didn't get into name calling, I never saw anyone object to those threads. I was pretty damn sure that company reps were looking in and taking some of the criticism as valid input. I mean, who better to listen to than some of your most devoted fans who know your product line better than a lot of retailers do?

But I've seen just a handful of negative threads (constructively negative too, I thought) here in the couple of months I've been checking out this forum and the OPs generally get ripped a new one, accused of being trolls, etc. Rather than their criticisms being taken in good faith.

I mean, if that's the rule or the culture, good to know, I guess, but I honestly don't get it. I personally don't have any problem with PRS offering guitars that look a lot like strats and Les Pauls, but I'd probably be less inclined to buy one unless I just LOVED the guitar well above and beyond what was available from the original manufacturer. I bought a 594, but I absolutely wanted a double-cut, mostly because of aesthetics - it looks completely like a PRS, not sort of like a Les Paul. I'm not interested in anyone's strat copy because to me the original is still perfect in it's imperfection. The strat is a funky guitar - sometimes you have to fight with it a little bit, but to me that's part of the experience and contributes to the feel and the sound. I want my 594 to play like a PRS but I don't want my strat to play that way! I don't have a problem with PRS offering guitars that look like strats and Les Pauls but play like PRSs, but I also don't see anything wrong with the OP expressing his lukewarm (at best) reaction to it. I don't care one way or the other but I'd be less inclined to buy one too. I mean, I like the Silver Sky well enough, but if they'd been able to come up with a design that was clearly 90% PRS and 10% strat (rather than the other way around) and still gave Mayer his preferred sound(s) and feel, that surely wouldn't have been a BAD thing, would it!?!?!?

So, is this place JUST a fan club? I mean, it's obviously that and I don't have any issue with that at all - it's inevitable and great. PRS guitars are certainly worthy of a lot of adulation. I've learned a lot here and I love my 594, so I'm a fan too. I also just took in a stray old Soapbar II that I'm really digging and will make sure it gets a good home, whether mine or someone else's. More on that probably to come. It looks like a PRS too and plays well enough - not like a 594, not like a strat, but nothing that would be a disincentive to keeping it...

But really, isn't a little bit of good faith criticism part of what this forum is here for as well?


Okay - keep in mind I'm a nobody when it comes to administration and/or moderation of this forum, but...

I don't think anybody really has a problem with constructive criticism. Sure, occasionally a post of that nature will catch someone on a bad day or in a down moment and they'll lash out at the poster. I think I've done that. And when that happens, I'd bet 90% of the time an apology and explanation follow, even if just in an IM.

But if someone comes in with an attitude, rants and raves, or is just generally a d!ck, then yeah, people will hit back. To me, it's more a matter of being respectful of the forum we've been given. If you don't like a model or a feature, it's pretty easy to just say, "I don't like this because..." That leads to a discussion more often than not. But if you come in and say, "I can't believe these morons would do something so stupid/lazy/criminal as...", it's going to get a harsh reaction.
People have short memories, or are ignorant of history. From 1990-1995, PRS made a Strat-looking, 3 single pickup, bolt-on neck, plastic pickguarded, guitar called the EG. Google it. It’s pretty much a Strat.

The concept is, therefore, 28 years old for PRS. So the “elephant” has been around for a while.

The Santana shape is a variation on the Les Paul Jr. double-cut. Take a look at both guitar shapes, Person Thinking He’s Pointing Out Elephants.

The Strat headstock was first seen on the 1948 Bigsby Merle Travis guitar. And guess what; the Les Paul body shape was ALSO first seen on the 1948 Bigsby Merle Travis guitar. Google the damn thing. Now tell me how original the world is.

What motivates anyone to claim, “OMG, I’ve just noticed something that’s upset me that no one else is talking about,” when in fact, it’s all over the freaking internet and is the subject of innumerable rants and blathers, including on this very forum, is a mystery to me.
Travis and Bigsby were good friends. Both were extremely eccentric and liked to partake of some serious libations on a regular basis. Travis was also an excellent amateur artist. This guitar came about when they were out drinking one night and Travis sketched it on the back of a placemat. Looks familiar in a couple of ways, at least to my eyes.
Bigsby presented this guitar to Travis on May 24, 1948. He made 22 more for a total of 23, then just stopped and went on to something else.
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OK, I should probably just shut up, but as a relatively new guy here, I'm genuinely curious. Did PRS include this forum on their website ONLY to allow people to gush over how much they love everything PRS does? Or did they also assume (maybe even hope) there'd be some criticism, discussion, debate? I mean, I've been on sponsored forums before and there's a certain level of just gratuitous stick in the eye kinds of posts that were frowned upon, maybe even with a thread shut down upon occasion. But there was all kinds of debate and discussion about different frames (this was a bicycle frame-maker's sponsored forum) the company offered. When someone thought they'd offered a real stinker, if the discussion was civil and didn't get into name calling, I never saw anyone object to those threads. I was pretty damn sure that company reps were looking in and taking some of the criticism as valid input. I mean, who better to listen to than some of your most devoted fans who know your product line better than a lot of retailers do?

But I've seen just a handful of negative threads (constructively negative too, I thought) here in the couple of months I've been checking out this forum and the OPs generally get ripped a new one, accused of being trolls, etc. Rather than their criticisms being taken in good faith.

I mean, if that's the rule or the culture, good to know, I guess, but I honestly don't get it. I personally don't have any problem with PRS offering guitars that look a lot like strats and Les Pauls, but I'd probably be less inclined to buy one unless I just LOVED the guitar well above and beyond what was available from the original manufacturer. I bought a 594, but I absolutely wanted a double-cut, mostly because of aesthetics - it looks completely like a PRS, not sort of like a Les Paul. I'm not interested in anyone's strat copy because to me the original is still perfect in it's imperfection. The strat is a funky guitar - sometimes you have to fight with it a little bit, but to me that's part of the experience and contributes to the feel and the sound. I want my 594 to play like a PRS but I don't want my strat to play that way! I don't have a problem with PRS offering guitars that look like strats and Les Pauls but play like PRSs, but I also don't see anything wrong with the OP expressing his lukewarm (at best) reaction to it. I don't care one way or the other but I'd be less inclined to buy one too. I mean, I like the Silver Sky well enough, but if they'd been able to come up with a design that was clearly 90% PRS and 10% strat (rather than the other way around) and still gave Mayer his preferred sound(s) and feel, that surely wouldn't have been a BAD thing, would it!?!?!?

So, is this place JUST a fan club? I mean, it's obviously that and I don't have any issue with that at all - it's inevitable and great. PRS guitars are certainly worthy of a lot of adulation. I've learned a lot here and I love my 594, so I'm a fan too. I also just took in a stray old Soapbar II that I'm really digging and will make sure it gets a good home, whether mine or someone else's. More on that probably to come. It looks like a PRS too and plays well enough - not like a 594, not like a strat, but nothing that would be a disincentive to keeping it...

But really, isn't a little bit of good faith criticism part of what this forum is here for as well?


I’m answering this as a member, not as a mod. Just put your thumb over that moderator badge as you read this (and 99% of my other posts).

This forum is all about open discussion. There is a LOT of fan-boy posting here, but there is also criticism. I don’t believe the company ever meant for the forum to be solely a gushing safe-space, but fully understands that everyone has differing wants, needs and opinions.

For this thread, the premise is a bit more than the most tongue-in-cheek member can abide. It would be no different than someone saying McDonalds should be ashamed or castigated if they started making square hamburgers a la Wendy’s instead of their traditional round ones. C’mon. But that isn't where it goes off the rails.

Where people get in trouble with their criticisms isn’t that they voice not liking something, it’s more about attitude and civility. The real problem in this thread is this paragraph:

Now PRS just seems to be acting like an arrogant jerk on a playground by saying..." hey man I can build a better one than you ".....I mean it's just childish and petty, and I lost a lot of respect for them because of it.

The aspersions and name-calling here are far over the top for any constructive discussion, even one as meaningless and preposterous as this one.

You can remove your thumb now.
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one pickup? no thanks, i’ll stick with my old maccaferri.

Travis and Bigsby were good friends. Both were extremely eccentric and liked to partake of some serious libations on a regular basis. Travis was also an excellent amateur artist. This guitar came about when they were out drinking one night and Travis sketched it on the back of a placemat. Looks familiar in a couple of ways, at least to my eyes.
Bigsby presented this guitar to Travis on May 24, 1948. He made 22 more for a total of 23, then just stopped and went on to something else.