The Real Value Of Punditry, Gear Reviews And Other Nonsense.

This was quite interesting:

Not that I needed to see it, as this is precisely how I've been using my Mk Boogies since....well, forever. It was just good to see someone else not just going "chug chug chug......." :rolleyes:
I wish YouTube wasn’t broken for me on the forum.

Every Mesa Mark demo is 99% mosh and maybe 1% clean arpeggios, ‘cause that’s all heshers think you do with the clean channel of an amp.
It's about making up one's own mind instead of taking things as though the reviews are gospel.
This Would Require People To Think On Their Own And That Is Frowned Upon Now A Days On Virtually Every Topic. Most People Are Too Lazy...I Mean Busy...To Think For Themselves And be Secure Enough To Stand On Their Own Opinion/Conclusion. The Hallelujah Church Of Influencers Certainly Are Preaching Their Product Gospel Though...Can I Get An Amen For A Like And Subscribe? 🙌😇🤣