The New Forum Guitar Travel Itinerary


Zombie Six, DFZ
Sep 6, 2012
Severn, MD
Just looking to start a list of where the guitar will go, and who wants to see it. Please don't put your address here, or any personal info you don't want posted. Just state, and city for U.S. This way we can figure out who's near who, and plan meeting

up, handing off, and shortest shipping costs. Hopefully we can get the guitar to Experience 2013, so I'll add that as another location for signing.

So let's see how many forum members want to get their hands on this.

Edit: Don't worry about quoting. Tabs and spacing didn't work like I planned. I'll just keep a spreadsheet and post it as it grows.

Edit: Feb. 27, 2014

Last edited:
Tasmania, Australia.

I'm hoping TLW can organise another get together which us Australians can meet up at and get our hands on the guitar all at the same time... (amongst other things!)
justrob...Experience 2013
Sergio.... DGT Illinois.
cwhenke...Charlotte to Atlanta
I didn't follow the plan, I'll stick "Australia" on the end:

justrob...Experience 2013
Sergio.... DGT Illinois.
cwhenke...Charlotte to Atlanta
justmund... Australia
I didn't follow the plan, I'll stick "Australia" on the end:

justrob...Experience 2013
Sergio.... DGT Illinois.
cwhenke...Charlotte to Atlanta
justmund... Australia

:laugh: After my post I found out it doesn't maintain the tabs and spacing I set up so it doesn't matter anyway. I'll go through periodically and make a list.
I'll go for Experience if it saves a stop, or southwestern PA.
rugerpc - Maryland and/or Exp13

I'm in Carroll County, MD - I can coordinate Central Maryland, DC, Northern VA, South Central PA and Eastern WV.
rugerpc - Maryland and/or Exp13

I'm in Carroll County, MD - I can coordinate Central Maryland, DC, Northern VA, South Central PA and Eastern WV.

rugerpc- I'm in Hagerstown MD and can meet up with you and then I could put the leather strap that came in thank you package in the case for the lucky winner of the auction