Seeing how PRS is nearly ubiquitous with the jam scene, I figure this would be a good place for a thread
Big fan of the music, got introduced to it in college and was loosely interested, was already listening to a lot of old dead shows at that point. then I saw Umphrey's Mcgee at red rocks in 2015 and i've been hooked and deep in the scene ever since. UM definitely being my favorite, but I'm into pretty much all of it.
Caught both nights of UM at Red Rocks this past weekend. Seeing Dead and Co. for the first (and I suppose last) time this coming weekend. Probably will be hitting at least one night of Cheese and STS9 at red rocks next month... I go to a lot of shows, and it's nice in Colorado, there's never a shortage of jam shows be it national or local to go to. I also play in a jamband (ish, we draw on some different source material like post rock and metal a lot but definitely in that scene locally and do a lot of jamming)
Any other wooks on here?