The "I Was So Much Older Then, I'm Younger Than That Now" Thread


Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
In what I now refer to as my old life, I founded and ran a law firm, went to court, dealt with clients and employees, wore a suit every day, and was basically an adult. I had fun in my time off, but my days were something to endure, not enjoy.

In my late 30s, I became a musician, let my creativity carry the day (that genie will never go back in the bottle) and hit the "restart" button on my professional life, and it felt to me like I was much younger. Starting something completely new will do that. I left my law practice. It revitalized me.

Now I'm fairly old, but although I kid around about age a lot, I hope my thinking hasn't ossified.

One day a few years back, I was producing a record for a young guy, and as we were talking in the studio about opening him up to some new ideas, my son was working on something with his computer in the back of the room. After my artist left, my son said, "You think like a young guy, and he thinks like an old guy! This whole thing is backwards."

After joking around in the "You know you're old when..." thread, I began to think, "I'm not really that curmudgeon."

Anyone else feel/think younger now than they did earlier in life?
I'm pretty sure I feel the same as I did in my twenties. Perhaps a little wiser but not quite ready to give up my youth.

It's only a matter of time before somebody asks if I took up guitar because of a mid-life crisis. k'off!!!
Les, you are one of my idols. While I maintain my law license, I do not practice law. Now I do training and consulting on a part time basis. I too was the serious guy with all the responsibilities of being the boss. Since leaving the active practice of law I have become the "class clown" taking nothing seriously. Emotionally and intellectually I now live in an undergraduate state of mind. Yet, while I remain very active athletically, my body reminds me on a daily basis that it is old beyond its years.
Dude, you are as old as you act. :dancing: Seriously, no one every guesses my wife's or my age. We may look a bit younger than we are but we act WAY younger than we are. Not that we're idiots or anything, but we certainly don't take life too seriously. It's all about attitude. Screw 'em if they can't take a joke. :p
Dude, you are as old as you act. :dancing: Seriously, no one every guesses my wife's or my age. We may look a bit younger than we are but we act WAY younger than we are. Not that we're idiots or anything, but we certainly don't take life too seriously. It's all about attitude. Screw 'em if they can't take a joke. :p

Total Peter Pan disorder over here, glad to find some people who don't think it's a bad thing.
I'm in such a different headspace now than early adulthood, I started to write what I got up to but pressed the delete button. I don't think there's any point telling you guys! Anyway nowadays I'm much more concerned with the environment and my health, I grow vegetables, I have a long-term partner, a child, lots of lifelong friends and a generally happy and fulfilling life.

Oddly enough I'm about to change jobs and going back to something similar to what I used to, it's a massive change for me and my family but the benefits will be fantastic.

Do I feel/think younger? Definitely feel, but that's a result of my diet and exercise. Think? Well my thinking has certainly evolved since early adulthood, and I think even deeper, harder to change things like values and morals have evolved for the better. Perhaps "younger" isn't the right term for me.