The facial hair thread


Zomb!e Nine, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
Do you rock it? Stache, goat, soul patch, chin strap, full beard or straight up lumber jack/ZZ Top? Full time, part time or when your just too lazy to shave?

I'm a part time beard guy, usually shave off when it starts getting really hot. I haven't shaved it yet which gave me the idea for the thread. I was a goat guy for a long time. I occasionally will rock the soul patch as well. Feel free to post a pic - bonus points for PRS + facial hair pics.

Any women that we may have here could list their facial hair preference on a man.
I sometimes have a goat going, in fact, have one now. But I go back and forth between that and clean shaven.
Always have a beard of some description, some times I tidy it up or shave it to stubble.
Facial hair keeps me warm!
Currently, a 'Stache and a Soul Patch...

Done the full beard and the "Van Dyke" in the past...

went through periods with a full beard when i was younger, but for the last decade or more i had a moustache and goatee. a couple of months ago i lopped off the stash and cut down the beard into a true billy goat which i intended to braid. i'm not sure i'm going to make it that far as shaving my upper lip and chin are painful, quite painful...
anywhere from clean shaven to a beard, but usually a goat. (and a grey one at that) it changes on a weekly basis. never a mustache.
Had a beard, 'stache and long hair in college - all different colors. Brown hair, red beard, blonde 'stache. People were constantly asking me, "Why do you dye your ________ ?" Fill in the blank with one of the above.

The beard is long gone. But I have never in my life shaved my upper lip.
This was me back in the fall of 2011, then a few weeks after that everything came off the face.
I also use to get my head buzzed completely about every six weeks like in the picture, but my hair has not been cut since then, very long now.

As a teen of the 70's - I had a mustache and/or beard forever. As my blond/red beard started graying, I shaved it off but left the mustache and soul patch. Radiation and chemo for tonsil cancer (almost 4 years ago now) pretty much eliminated the need for shaving anything below my jaw line, but I kept the mustache and soul patch. I shaved everything off about a year ago and no plans to try to grow any of it back.
Nothing for 17 years, the wife hated facial hair. But I was tired of the "cue ball" look so I went for the goat. Then, during an ill-fated playoff run, I did this for a few months.

Clean shaven. I don't think I've ever gone longer than two days without shaving after starting.
A "Goatee" does not include a mustache!

Adding a Moustache to a goatee = a Van Dyke.

A goatee by itself makes you Amish... ;)

According to Wiki the van Dyke (more properly the Van Dyck) beard looks like this (where the corners of the 'stach doesn't touch the goatee).

It also reports "Chicago Chronicle columnist Edith Sessions Tupper condemned this style, along with the goatee, as indicative of a man "who was selfish, sinister, and pompous as a peacock."

I agree. :D

I sported the Grizzly Adams at one point. However, employment intervened.

Now, my wife doesn't like any facial hair, so I am clean shaven 5 days a week (I do take the weekends off).
Goatee or Van Dyke at the present, but it won't last for long since I go in two or three week cycles...get bored and want to try something new, try it for a couple of weeks, then go back to what I had.