The Edward Van Halen (EVH) Prototype PRS; 1 of 2

I never thought I'd say this, but I may be glad that there's no Experience this year, because right now I feel unworthy to share the HGI lobby with you.

That's frigging awesome. Do you take commissions?
That's frigging awesome.

Thanks very much for the kind words Alan (and everyone else who commented).

Do you take commissions?

If only I had the time. Here's a final photo of all the elements (including the Alan mod) together. As you can see, they all contribute to the finished look without permanent modifications.

Click the pic to enlarge.

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]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;148141 said:
The shark has now

Click images to enlarge.

View attachment 1711

I started with ebony tuner buttons. I mounted them to some old SE tuners and a large paint stick. Then I sanded them and cut some masking tape to a width that I thought might work.

View attachment 1712

The first coat of paint is white primer.

View attachment 1713

Then I stripped off the tape to expose the black ebony. After that, I added more tape in different widths.

View attachment 1714

Then I added several coats of a candy red.

View attachment 1715

After it dried (for over a month) I sanded them with 800 grit and added 5 coats of clear.

View attachment 1716

Can you dig it?

View attachment 1717

Those buttons are so freaking cool!!! Outstanding.
That *was* creepy and a waste of time, thanks for the 555 jump suggestion.


* The neck heel is very thick for difficult playing
* The guitar is very tacky
* Thank you for not going with PRS
* Forum members' comments are very important.