The Dear God Why Am I Awake? Thread.

What're you guys gonna do when she retires? Y'all gonna keep that schedule up?

I'm gonna move out. Live in my truck, or something. She's gonna cramp my style being around the house all the time. I'm still hoping she comes to her senses and decides to keep working. Sh!t, not only will she screw up my "working from home" thing, she's gonna put a serious dent in my guitar buying! I'm gonna miss that extra paycheck. Heck, I may even have to sell a couple :(
Yeah, that's over. Unless of course you're the only couple in the history of mankind to figure that one out.
I get the basement until Mrs gets up.
After breakfast she works in the basement while I do whatever I frigging want.
If I’m home, I make her a lunch and then she goes back to the dungeon.
It does mean I don’t play basement guitars during the day, so Viola, Mocha, Eywa and the MDT might get lonely.

Oh, she also has complete ownership of the purple room on the top floor, though she is willing to let jfb borrow it if Santana Fest has to come here.
I'm gonna move out. Live in my truck, or something. She's gonna cramp my style being around the house all the time. I'm still hoping she comes to her senses and decides to keep working. Sh!t, not only will she screw up my "working from home" thing, she's gonna put a serious dent in my guitar buying! I'm gonna miss that extra paycheck. Heck, I may even have to sell a couple :(

Welcome to my nightmare dude....:eek:
It’s 7:40 and after 4 alarms startingat 5 am this b!tch is still in bed.... and I’m the @sshole for asking her if she plans on getting up to the next alarm.

Divorce on one hand, murder on the other.... or maybe just a cot in the basement?
It’s 7:40 and after 4 alarms startingat 5 am this b!tch is still in bed.... and I’m the @sshole for asking her if she plans on getting up to the next alarm.

Divorce on one hand, murder on the other.... or maybe just a cot in the basement?

Backhoe and an airtight alibi...FTW!
But hey that's just me...o_O