I like to kid around and not take myself too seriously. Hence this thread. Honestly, I don't feel badly about it.PS as a result of my choices , I've only sold one instrument out of my collection , and that was to a dear friend who was a singer /songwriter in Nashville. For me it you take your time to find your dream, you hang on to it through thick and thin.
I use my gear in my music production livelihood. It's not a 'gear of dreams' thing. Sometimes I get something different simply because I'm looking for inspiration. Other times I want to buy something different to meet the needs of a particular project, and don't want to front too much money out of pocket to do that.
Often that works out well! Sometimes I have regrets, which is (I think) OK, part of what I do.
I like having no more than 4-5 guitars that I think are going to do most of the work I need to do. I need to concentrate. I like having my studio environment give me a sense of serenity and calm. I guess you could say I like the feeling of a clean sheet of paper when I start working.
Having too much gear sitting around, or worse, hanging on walls or stands, is distracting and makes me feel disorganized. Kills the vibe.
Also, I don't want paralysis by analysis - too many choices. I need to get things done quickly because of deadlines. So limiting my gear makes sense for several reasons.
We all have our unique issues!
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