The “I Hope You..” Game.


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
Here’s a new game that’s fun and pretty amusing, and is great for all you spammers out there.

It works by quoting the person who posts before you (ala The Song Title Game) where you wish a mildly annoying thing/dilemma/event to happen to someone.

Something like: “I hope you buy a new chapstick and forget to take it out of your pant’s pocket before running them through the washer and dryer”

The point is to wish a sorta bad thing on someone, not to be a total and complete jerk.

The fun is in the subtleties and the inconvenience, not being a total d!ck.

It’s a game of restraint, and it’s a fun way to kinda let out anger or bust on someone without really being a horrible person. I play it with my son whenever we’re in the car and someone cuts me off, or if he’s having a bad day because someone was mean.

It helps turn frustration, disappointment, and even anger into something funny… which ya know, maybe the world could use that now.

Anyhow, I’ll go first with the next post and then someone quote it and add your own.
i hope you find out john lennon owned it and drop it in a toilet, cracking the bowl, but in the back and not so bad you have to replace it right away, so it ends up all dark and gross in a couple of years, so you have to get down and really scrub but only when important company comes.
i hope you find out john lennon owned it and drop it in a toilet, cracking the bowl, but in the back and not so bad you have to replace it right away, so it ends up all dark and gross in a couple of years, so you have to get down and really scrub but only when important company comes.
I hope you boil the noodles for Mac and Cheese and realize your milk is expired.
I hope that your visit to our nation's capitol is wonderful. Please take photos of the Washington Monument and Reflecting Lake, and the surrounding foliage. Visitors say it's beautiful this time of year, even when you're not eating a chili cheese dog by the Monument. P.S. Don't forget to go skinny dipping in the lake.
I hope you don't die in a nuclear exchange, and it turns out to be an accident that kills everyone else, including me.

There should be no comebacks in curses. :oops:

I realize this point isn't exactly...subtle. I screwed up, didn't I? ;)