Test track spy photos of the incoming offerings

So yea Im probably getting an s2 custom 24 to use as a main metal guitar. Throw some \m/ pickups in there and it should scream!

Also interesting is that these necks have scarf joints.
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For the life of me I can't figure out how to tell the S2 Starla from the regular model.

The way the headstock is glued to the neck surprised me. Saves a lot of wood - probably just as strong (if not stronger).
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;85732 said:
For the life of me I can't figure out how to tell the S2 Starla from the regular model.

The way the headstock is glued to the neck surprised me. Saves a lot of wood - probably just as strong (if not stronger).

I was thinking the same thing about the Starla.

I found that the headstock/neck construction is fairly popular in the industry.
From the About page:

PRS S2 Series proprietary pickups are built to our exact specifications, including wire and coating materials, winds, and resistance.

Does that mean PRS isn't making the S2 pickups in house?

Our PRS S2 locking tuners are used across the S2 Series. These proprietary tuners are reminiscent of our “Phase II” tuners and follow many of Paul Smith’s “tweaks,” including a brass shaft and specially-configured internal construction. The locking mechanism itself is identical to the one used on our Core guitars, which helps the guitar stay in tune.

So... what makes them different from the Phase II tuners? Are they also not made in house?

The S2 Custom features a PRS tremolo (the same bridge found on our SE line of guitars).


All of the models in the S2 Series feature a 3-way blade pickup switch with a master volume and a push/pull tone control.

No 5-way?

]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;85732 said:
For the life of me I can't figure out how to tell the S2 Starla from the regular model.

Same here. On the one hand, you could argue that the Mira and the Starla are a natural fit for this line, because they've never really seemed to fit in the core line. On the other hand, that lack of differentiation makes me wonder why the Mira and Starla are still in the core line at all.

I'll be honest: I don't get it. These look like Maryland-made SE guitars to me. I think it's cool that PRS is trying to address a lower price point, and the beveled tops, three-piece necks, and less-expensive hardware all make sense in that context, but I don't see how an S2 Custom 24 is much different from an SE Custom 24, except that the neck is mahogany instead of maple (until recently the SE necks were mahogany also) and the tuners are locking. You could argue that build quality is better, but that seems sort of irrelevant considering that the stated purpose of these guitars is to reduce the expense of manufacturing with a design that requires less detailed work.

That said, I'm clearly not in the target market.

Update: I missed this quote from Shawn in the other thread:

Once the existing orders are flushed through, the original Starla and Mira will be discontinued.

This makes a lot more sense. So basically, the Starla and Mira are going to be the low-cost American PRS guitars that they always seemed meant to be. I think this is a smart move. I'm still not sure I see the point of the S2 Custom 24, though.
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Hmm! So starting at just under 1200 clams...about half the street on a typical non-10 USA model (core model) and about twice the price of an SE. Smack dab right in the middle!!
IDK. No GAS fire here. I'm happy with the Tremonti SE Custom and the USA..I mean core models that I own.
I think this line would be great if there was no SE line but...they already have the SEs and man...the new ones are hard to beat.
Cant wait to try one though. Who knows...maybe the GAS will come on REAL strong.
IDK. No GAS fire here. I'm happy with the Tremonti SE Custom and the USA..I mean core models that I own.

I feel the same way. I've owned several SE's over the years, and they were great guitars, but they never stick around. Once the honeymoon is over, it's back to my Custom 22's I started with. But hey if it gets more people into the brand, Im all for it. The company as a whole deserves to grow and continue being prosperous.
Since this is an official board I believe whispering and gossiping about something that may or may not be coming out could be inappropriate. I think its best to keep those discussions to all unofficial boards and well if there IS a surprise, well gladly find out all the details on release day here.

Just my two cents :)

????????? Hun???
Oh God...I'm having (BAM) deja-vu all over again rotflol-ing.

So we aren't allowed to talk about anything PRS unless it's proven without a reasonable doubt?
I realize that this is a discussion forum and not a democracy with a constitution that guarantees freedom of speech ...but ..really?
I guess I'll go back and sit in the corner some more (the corner is another prs forum...could be VR...I aint sayin) until I have concrete proof of anything before posting, murmuring, whispering and gossiping :-(

KIDDING!!! Lighten-up Bro. It's all good. I wouldn't have gossiped without proof. I had seen the photos ;-)

I wonder why though, that I never got reprimanded for gossiping or whispering that I think the Studio and NF pups are gonna be discontinued. Now THERE'S some gossip with NO substantia...substantiationi...with NO PROOF!
Again...I don't set the rules here ..in fact I didn't even memorize them. I am absolutely NOT trying to break them. I do realize that we do have to walk on eggshells a little here... seeing as how it's the OFFICIAL PRS forum...but yeah....I "think" we're allowed to discuss future or past PRS models here? No?
Life is too short man.
One chill-pill and a great big smile always makes life a little easier and worthwhile.

Sorry for being cheeky. It's early in the morning and I was reading all the posts in this thread and ...I musta missed that one on the first go-around.
In the end, alls well that ends well I suppose. No harm no foul. It was TRUE afterall! Still think I'm personally gonna stick with the core instruments and my new TREMONTI SE CUSTOM!! Woot woot!! I am LOVING me some Tremonti SE Custom boueee!
Have a great day and please...turn that frown upside-down. It's a great day to be alive. Smell some flowers and tell your peeps that you LOVE them. Heck...give em a great big hug too.
Peace, Love and Granola......man!