Tennis Elbow suks! :-(

I was having problems like this for a few years now. After having cortizone shots once a month for 8 months I had Cubital Tunnel Surgery on my left elbow. Everything is okay now. No more pain or tingling in my lfte hand/elbow. I'm able to play the guitar now for longer than 5 min.
apparently I have developed snowthrower elbow and it's cutting into my guitar playing time!
I had it in my left elbow and it subsided after three injections. It was very painful. It just appeared out of nowhere. I did not play more or different than usual. I even changed the height of my guitar as it hangs on the belt a few times but it did not work. In the end I think it had more to do with my computer working job than guitar playing.
Anybody with ailments that prevent playing should see an acupuncturist, I've got a bad disk and a pinched nerve that could have ended my guitar playing days. I don't play out in the clubs much anymore but with the needles I can still jam, compose, record and the *all-neccessary* noodling around on the couch thing.