Suhr Aldrich Pickups in Singlecuts


New Member
Jan 13, 2020
These pickups (both the bridge and neck) are monsters! I just replaced the JB and 59 in the McCarty SC594 and it was a big improvement in terms of clarity and cleans. To me, it sounds just like a very clear JB with a little less output, or a PAF on steroids. I saw videos beforehand on YouTube comparing the JB with the Aldrich, but clips don't really do it justice. I've also tried the \M/ Metal pickups in both the bridge/neck and while they were good, they sounded a little too modern for me. I liked the JB even though it had a ton of output, but it wasn't that good for chord clarity or downtuning since notes would blend together (aka muddy). I liked the 59 too, but the Aldrich neck is a lot better for sweep picking or legato due to its clarity. Its 9K ohms, but its not overly hot. Same with the Aldrich bridge at like 17.5K ohms.

The Aldrich covers all the 80s rock/metal territory, but can basically be used for anything. Very versatile and highly recommended.

I keep hearing such great comments about the Aldrich set! I don't have them but the other Suhr pickups I own are excellent. Also... I really dig the covered neck/uncovered bridge look that you've got there (sort of the "Tremonti signature" look)--I've done the same thing with the pickups on my Stripped 58.
I don't have these in a SC but do have them in a 2021 LP and they sound massive. Really great sounding pickups.
I keep hearing such great comments about the Aldrich set! I don't have them but the other Suhr pickups I own are excellent. Also... I really dig the covered neck/uncovered bridge look that you've got there (sort of the "Tremonti signature" look)--I've done the same thing with the pickups on my Stripped 58.

Thanks, and I'd definitely try them if you get the chance. I have the Suhr SSH+ in the bridge of a Suhr Classic S along with the Thornbucker in the neck and the Aldrich supposedly is a 10% overwound SSH+. It maybe due to become a bolt on with a maple neck vs a heavy setneck like my 594, but I think they sound nothing alike. The SSH+ is much brighter and the Aldrich is pretty dark and sounds just like a JB to me, but with the clarity it lacks and less output. The more I play the neck Aldrich too, the more I like it. They're already my favorite guitar pickups, but I'm liking how versatile they are too.
Bump old thread...
Beautiful guitar in this thread. :)

I have a 2005 McCarty and I'm about to install a Suhr Aldrich. Does anyone know which wires to use for coil splitting? I am going to do a direct replacement for the McCarty bridge pickup so I'll just match up the wires.

They appear to have the same wire color codes as Duncan so I'll check their site.

I emailed Suhr to see if they have a diagram.
In about a week I'll get my Bernie back. I had locking tuners, new PRS pots and selector switch, all wired with the good cloth covered stuff installed. And the kicker? A set of zebra Aldrich pups. That thing is gonna cook!
Suhr Aldrich in a Singlecut is never a bad idea. A couple of other pickups I have done well with in single cuts are the BKP Rebel Yell and Black Dog.
These pickups (both the bridge and neck) are monsters! I just replaced the JB and 59 in the McCarty SC594 and it was a big improvement in terms of clarity and cleans. To me, it sounds just like a very clear JB with a little less output, or a PAF on steroids. I saw videos beforehand on YouTube comparing the JB with the Aldrich, but clips don't really do it justice. I've also tried the \M/ Metal pickups in both the bridge/neck and while they were good, they sounded a little too modern for me. I liked the JB even though it had a ton of output, but it wasn't that good for chord clarity or downtuning since notes would blend together (aka muddy). I liked the 59 too, but the Aldrich neck is a lot better for sweep picking or legato due to its clarity. Its 9K ohms, but its not overly hot. Same with the Aldrich bridge at like 17.5K ohms.

The Aldrich covers all the 80s rock/metal territory, but can basically be used for anything. Very versatile and highly recommended.

Beautiful guitar and I also have to give you props on the designer EVH pillows! ;)
Bump old thread...
Beautiful guitar in this thread. :)

I have a 2005 McCarty and I'm about to install a Suhr Aldrich. Does anyone know which wires to use for coil splitting? I am going to do a direct replacement for the McCarty bridge pickup so I'll just match up the wires.

They appear to have the same wire color codes as Duncan so I'll check their site.

I emailed Suhr to see if they have a diagram.

Thanks! And I'd also reach out to PRS as well. I think I reached out to either PRS or Suhr and asked them about their wiring schemes.

I've actually been on the fence about replacing the Aldrich pair in my Singlecut recently. I like them, but I also have Bareknuckles in some of my other guitars and recently got a Custom 24 Floyd that has the PRS Metal pickups, and both of those have way more clarity than the Aldrich set. I love the Metal pickups and was thinking of putting them back in there, even though I had them in the Singlecut are one point and decided to replace them. I also wouldn't be able to do one covered and the other uncovered unless I find someone selling an uncovered bridge online. My other option was to put a BKP Holy Diver in there.
I have an Aldrich set in a Singlecut Trem which really transformed that guitar. Highly recommended!
I had the set but since it was the direct mount variation I tried to sell it. Sold the bridge pickup but there were no takers for the neck pickup. Tried it in various guitars but was too muddy for my taste. In the end it landed in the PRS Custom. There it works well due to the position being closer to the bridge (it is a 24 fret guitar).
Love these pups. They are really nice. They do though need to be in an LP type body. Tried them in a strat body and it just didnt work
totally agree! i put an Aldrich in the bridge of my old SC. it was an amazing match.
Did your old SC have the stock #7 pickups?

I have an 01 SC that has a #7 neck and I replaced the bridge pickup with an Aldrich bridge.
I'm tempted to try a Tremonti as I live that pickup, but I already have an SC250 and those are basically Tremonti pickups.
Nice to have variety.

The #7 neck Pickup is great. Love it.
The #7 bridge pickup isn't as fat as the Aldrich bridge pickup.

Curious what you found.
Did your old SC have the stock #7 pickups?

I have an 01 SC that has a #7 neck and I replaced the bridge pickup with an Aldrich bridge.
I'm tempted to try a Tremonti as I live that pickup, but I already have an SC250 and those are basically Tremonti pickups.
Nice to have variety.

The #7 neck Pickup is great. Love it.
The #7 bridge pickup isn't as fat as the Aldrich bridge pickup.

Curious what you found.
I too started with a #7 but it just wasn't right for the music we were playing so i switched to the Aldrich in the bridge