Production 7 and 8 string models, because I want Maryland made 7 and 8 strings.
I would enlist more metal artists and have more metal flavored demos, because I like metal.
PRS Experience two times a year? I think so, because who doesn't like get togethers?
Give Shawn a raise, because he DESERVES.
Order everyone Ram's Head for lunch, because they have some of my favorite food.
Build an app...that shall remain a mystery for now. Ask me about it in a month or so.
Start a program where you can work at PRS for a week to see it all happen up close and personal, because I dream of working there.
Add a Jesse's Guitar to the production line, because who doesn't want a signature model?
Have a conversation with Doug Sewell about a Maryland made contender in the metal arena, because I want brutality from a PRS amp.
Get with Dave Crocker about the first Absinthe Glow and Absinthe Dragon's Breath stains, because I would like to see what those look like.
Photobomb P. Miles hard and often, because of revenge!
Drink some beer with Geoff and Tim, because of tradition.
Prank call TGS, because of more revenge!
Reserve a table at Lewnes' for dinner, because of steak and schrummpphzzzzz.
Likely not the most popular or wisest business moves but I only have one day so...