Special Semi-hollow vs 594 Mccarty

Stefan MM

New Member
Feb 27, 2023

I’m deciding between these two. Since they have the same pickups, I guees they’re pretty close in sound.
Difference in sound especcially on the neck humbucker pickup?

Thanks for input!

I’m deciding between these two. Since they have the same pickups, I guees they’re pretty close in sound.
Difference in sound especcially on the neck humbucker pickup?

Thanks for input!

Similar but 'different' thanks to different bridge, neck carve, scale length, Semi-hollow thinner vs solid 'thicker' guitar, different tuners etc...

Whether its 'close' enough for you or vastly different, only you can answer. The Special has the 'same' 8 pickup tonal options - and an additional 4 due to the NF. You also have a trem bridge vs ToM style as well as different neck carve and scale length so you may prefer one over another - just on 'feel' - again I can't tell you which you would prefer....

Check out these video's and maybe it will help you decide which to buy 'first'

I have both a 594 and a Special Semi-Hollow - although I have 'older' versions before they changed to 'Nitro' finish, TCI tuned Pups, vintage tuners on the 594 and the 58/15 LT's in the SSH (mine has 58/15 MT's)
I would expect those guitars to feel very different from each other:

The McCarty 594 will feel like a more substantial body and its Pattern Vintage neck profile will feel more chunky. I'd expect the SSH to feel much lighter and its Pattern neck profile, although similar on paper, will feel a bit more average/neutral.

The different bridges should contribute a lot to the different feel as well--the 594's two-piece stoptail would likely provide a more substantial transfer of vibration to the body (you can often feel the guitar resonating against your body) whereas the tremolo on the SSH would feel a little bit more springy, bouncy, or slinky in feel. At least, that's my experience with those kinds of bridges.
Thank you guys for valuble input!

I looked at the videos, and both guitars are appealing, if I could try them side by side it would be easier to pick one.

Either one will be great!
I have both, and they sound, play and feel nothing like each other.

The 594 is the very best guitar made on planet earth. It feels, sounds and plays like no other guitar ever made. The 58/15LT pickups are clear, transient, split incredibly well, and they can drive as hard as you like with any channel or boost of your choice. The pattern vintage neck feels like worn in blue jeans. The bridge feels like a rock hammock under my palm. I can play anything on it and feel like a god.

The Special SH is a wonderful guitar. The 58/15MT pickups are more mid-range compressed. They sound good, but not as clearly as the LTs. Mine has a maple neck and Korina body, which I’ve learned I hate. I’d love to play a hog version to compare. Truth be told, I never play it. Which is sad, because I upgraded the pickup rings and buttons to flame maple and it looks like a Private Stock. Just sexy.

To each their own, but if you don’t have a 594, I believe your quiver will only be lesser for it without one. It is by far the most glorious rock machine on terra firma. Hands down. The discussion is over. Just f&cking crazy good.
This was the PS 594 Santana
